Friday, August 05, 2005

I got to watch chicks hatching today for the first time! It was so cool! Those poor little guys work so hard to get out of the eggs and within hours, go from a helpless wet weakling, who can't even pick their head up, to running around drinking water. How cute.

Baxter and I finally had a breakthrough tonight. As strange as it sounds, I was able to "become a cat" for a while and communicate back and forth with him. I used everything I have learned about cat behavior, movement, interaction, and communication, to reach out to him, and he understood. He answered back, and we communicated perfectly for nearly an hour. After this, we had three huge firsts: 1) I was able to call him from across the room and he came right to me; 2) I was able to leave the room, come back in, and have him come to me, rather than him slinking immediately under the bed; 3) He played! It was an amazing, humbling experience. I'm sure we still have a long way to go, but I feel infinitely more hopeful.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Another long day is done. I started my morning with a phone call from Luciana's school that she split her chin open again and needed stitches. She fell off the monkey bars and resplit the wound she got in swim class a few weeks ago. She just had those stitches removed two weeks ago, before our vacation. She was brave again, but this one definitely hurt her more than the last time.

I then had to take the new cat, Baxter, to the vet for a series of very expensive tests to figure out why he's lethargic and not eating. We still know nothing! Our "free" animals always end up being quite costly. He finally did eat a bit tonight after I gave him IV fluids.

I'm taking a short break from testing/debugging my Alliance database. I was hoping to finish it tonight and still have time to scrap Luciana's recital, but I don't think that's going to happen.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Back from vacation! And of course, already behind on everything. We had a good camping trip with pretty good weather. Instead of being out getting stuff prepared for my daughter's 15th birthday today, we are stuck in the basement waiting for a tornado warning/storm to pass.

We are trying to integrate our new cat into the household. He is still living in a cage while Ivan and Jasper get used to him. Hopefully, he will be ready for release tomorrow. I can't stand seeing him caged like this--even if it is a HUGE 4x4 cage.

I finished Sylvia Browne's new book (Secrets and Mysteries) yesterday. It was pretty good.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Wednesday July 13, 2005

I'm starting my blog today, in yet another effort to keep a journal. I haven't managed to consistently journal--ever, but would really like to leave something, so my girls can someday see me as more than their mom.

I just received an e-mail update that three more animal activists will probably be jailed today. When I became involved in animal rights 15 years ago, I didn't think I would see significant changes during my lifetime. I certainly never anticipated that we would be living in a regime that has targeted AR activists to this extent. Not only have we not moved forward, but the loss of our civil rights has set both AR and feminism back at least 25 years. Way to go Bush!

It's raining - finally, so gardening is out for now. Lots of things I should be doing, but will probably end up starting my next scrapbook page. I would love to find other scrapbookers who are not June Cleaver wannabees. Jesus-I think I may be the only one who actually has a life outside the home!

We are going to pick up the new bunny (yeah, like we need more animals in the house) tonight.