Friday, September 28, 2007

Today was dominated by Romeo, the pit bull puppy we rescued. He's about 5 months old (our guess), and white with black spots. He is absolutely adorable, and he's now in a safe foster home with a loving mommy! We can't take anymore critters in right now, as we have a totally full house. Fortunately, one of the wonderful members of WAEN stepped up to take the little guy. I'm so happy that he will be safe and loved. He can learn to play with toys, go up and down steps, sit on furniture, play outside, and never worry about being hit or kicked again. He spent about four hours with us today until Kelly was able to pick him up, and we (L & I) really enjoyed him. The cats, however, did not. They were not very nice, and all he wanted to do was play! We also have some very stressful but potentially very good things going on. It's very depressing and sad right now, as we have to hold off and not make a move immediately. Meanwhile, well over a hundred animals are suffering in horrifying conditions. We've spent a lot of phone time and planning time today, though, and hopefully will have awesome news to report soon.

We had a super productive school day yesterday, and L was so into the history we were working on, that she didn't want to stop. We did a lot of extra, until I finally had to stop as I was starting to lose my voice from so much reading and talking! We had a pretty good day today, too, but didn't get all I had planned done. The puppy situation was unexpected, and she wanted to play with him while he was here, so we didn't get music done. We have all day tomorrow, though to catch up.

Mark is chopping veggies for the Alliance's annual chili cookoff tomorrow night. He's won the last two years and is determined to win this year, too. Everyone else is determined to beat him. It should be interesting. We all look forward to going, as there are so many delicious vegan chilis, and it's an 'all-you-can-eat' event. We enjoy the people, too, but the chili part really rocks! We've never had a bad chili there--the worst we've had was "okay" chili.

We looked at Dej's senior pics last night and selected one to go in the yearbook. We will go back in a couple of weeks to choose the ones we want to order. That's going to be hard, because there were so many good ones. She hates them all of course.

L. has been reading voraciously lately (LOVE that!), and yesterday found a Far Side book and started reading it. She loves it and has almost finished it. I know she doesn't get all of them, because the humor and references in many of them are too sophisticated for her. She gets enough to find it funny apparently. She has been taking the book everywhere with her. She also started drawing her own little cartoons last night. I was surprised and impressed with her very creative feminist comic. She asked me to take a picture and put it on my blog, so here it is. "were" is actually "wear", but she struggles with wear/where/were right now.

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