Thursday, December 13, 2007

Aaaaaww...How could anyone stay mad at Petey

My cute kids loving each other --->

And after he gets his love and cuddle fix, he can resume destroying the tree with Lila. Speaking of Lila, she goes in tomorrow morning to get spayed. I go through tremendous stress and nervousness whenever one of my babies has to go in for surgery. I especially worry about Lila, because she's so little and because of her respiratory problems. I will have to call throughout the day, to remind the vet assistants to clean out her eye and her nostrils so she can breathe. It really scares me for her to be anesthetized. I know the spay is necessary for her health and happiness, but I hate hate hate it! And the worst part is, she will have to stay overnight there. She's never been away from home or alone. We will visit her tomorrow night, but it doesn't help the sick feeling I get when I think of my little girl lying alone in a cage wondering where her family is.

We just got a call tonight about two kittens who come to Burger King, in Beloit, every night. The staff feeds them and thinks they are from a house nearby that burned down recently. We will try to work with them to catch the kittens before they freeze to death (or grow up and make more kittens) and are trying to line up foster care for them. It makes me heartsick to think of those cold babies, begging for scraps in a crappy area of a not-so-nice town.

Oh, and here's a special little tidbit I caught on the news yesterday. A four-year old boy shot and killed a very large black bear. This tiny boy, at four, has already used a large rifle of some kind (okay, so I know next to nothing about guns) and stole the life from a fellow being who was merely trying to survive. His family is so proud, they are going to have the bear stuffed. I'm sure it will look lovely in their trailer of inbreeding. Is this even legal to let a four-year old child hold and fire a GUN???!!! Oh, and where did this repulsive deed occur? Not in Wisconsin (though it wouldn't really surprise me). It was in ..... wait for it...

Arkansas. How very special. I'm sure our little warrior can look forward to a future job torturing and kicking chickens to death in one of the booming Tyson factories there.

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