Thursday, September 16, 2010

Molecule building

We had a really busy school day. We covered a ton of material and ran out of time, so we'll have to tack a little more on to tomorrow's work. L had some fun projects today that took up more time than I anticipated. Since she was having fun, I didn't want to cut her off.

I didn't get a chance to photograph all of them, but she had to design and draw a tartan for our family. She really enjoyed that and took a great deal of time choosing her colors and patterns. (We were talking about Mary, Queen of Scots, in history. While we were reading, Tica hung out inside L's sweatshirt.

Then she spent a good portion of time coloring her page on Hydrogen in her Periodic Table of Elements Coloring Book. (Love this!) She used colored pencils and the page turned out very nicely! I was impressed.

Our last project for the day took her quite a long time, because she was having so much fun. She was building molecules, with her on periodic table of gumdrops and properly labeling each of her molecules. I might have accidentally eaten some of her delicious orange atoms.

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