Monday, October 31, 2011

Annual Day

L's Annual Day performance was Saturday.  She was feeling  very poorly as a result of a horrible cold, and I really struggled with the decision of whether to let her perform or keep her home.  Because of the nature of her dance, her missing the performance would have meant her partner (Gopika, to her Krishna) couldn't dance and then the whole group would be asymmetrical on the stage.  I felt so bad for her, because she was so obviously miserable.

This was her first time dancing as Krishna, and since she was portraying a male, her makeup and jewelry were much simpler than usual.  She still had a chapped red nose, the poor thing.

She did a really good job on her dance, and we were so proud of her for being such a little trooper through the whole thing.

I was feeling increasingly rotten through the day and was quite tired and stressed, which I assume is why my brain left me, and I didn't get her performance on tape.  She came out, and I was trying to get a good picture of her, which isn't easy in a dark auditorium.  They were about 1/3 of the way through the dance when I realized I wasn't taping.  Then I decided at that point that it was too late to start (WTH was I thinking?!), so I got  none of it on tape.  What an idiot!

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