Monday, September 08, 2014

I returned to classes Tuesday and survived my first week. It will take a couple of weeks to get settled into the new routine/schedule. I always have a really hard time going back to work in the fall and leaving the animals alone so much. I have barely left the house this summer, so we have spent so much time together that it's been a tough week for all of us--especially Damon, who is my conjoined twin and becomes completely bereft when he can't get to me. It is, as always, thrilling to go back and meet the new students and see some of my returning students again. I've never quite figured out why my normally misanthropic self so adores and enjoys my students, but I'm certainly glad my brain works that way. I wouldn't be much of a teacher otherwise!

I'm fairly unhappy with myself about this summer. I was less productive than I've ever been. I also didn't really do anything fun or exciting. I can't really explain what happened, but I'm so frustrated to return to work with so little accomplished. I ended up in some kind of funk--maybe the health issues and our animal deaths caused it--that just sucked up my time with very little to show for it. I need to have a supremely productive fall to make up for it!

L also started school this week. She is taking two classes (math and science) at our local high school and will be doing at least one extracurricular activity as well.  She will continue to work with me on homeschooling for the other subjects. I will also still work with her on math and science, as I view this as a supplementary eductaion--not a replacement. I'm not at all thrilled about having to deal with the cluster of a mess that is our public schools. The superintendent and several board members are not very bright people and have really created a nightmare in the schools--both for the students and the teachers. I have no tolerance for incompetence, lack of logic, or time wasting, and those seem to be the three areas J'ville schools excel in. If transportation wasn't such an issue, we would put her in Milton schools, but we just can't swing that with our work schedules. I have absolutely no hope or expectations for her academically (overcrowded schools that are forced to teach to the lowest common denominator will not provide the education I want her to have), but it will be good for her to have the social engagement and start making friends her own age.  I am rarely so conflicted on anything, because typically, when I'm this conflicted about something, I stay away. I am not the only decision maker here, though, so M & L and I had to discuss and come to a consensus for this school year. It's going to be a really interesting year. I am already out of patience with this whole arrangement. M has been interfacing with the school (after 13 unpleasant years of this role with Dej, I vowed to NEVER do it again), and the staff at Craig seems to be very helpful and as distressed by the disastrous decisions that the district stuck them with as we/the students are. 

Our school district's fearless leader, Karen Schulte, continues to be a piece of work. She never met a decision she wouldn't bungle, and she never encountered an idea she wouldn't take credit for. It's sad to watch the overworked, under-appreciated school staff constantly suffer under her poor decisions and try to carry out her ill-conceived plans. I guess the good news is that she's not around too much, as she stays quite busy traveling the world fruitlessly on our district's educational dollars. Why educate our students when we can send Karen on another vacation.

Bill Sodemann has mentally anointed himself as King of the school board, holding court at the meetings, using them to mindlessly blather on about issues that are relevant to nobody but himself, and to openly discuss his political opinions. Neither of these are appropriate behaviors for any board member, but this continues on meeting after meeting. Sadly, as long as these two jesters hold so much sway over JSD, it will continue to lose good staff members (and the poor souls who remain are suffering low morale) and students and will continue to be seen as a joke throughout the county and surrounding areas. I desperately hope they are able to get rid of these destructive forces and turn the district back around.

She has attended four days this week, with one of the days being a game day of sorts--no classes or education. I'm fairly disappointed so far with the complete lack of academic progress, and I'm hoping next week picks up significantly. She is already making some friends, and it's been cute to listen to her bubble over with hours of conversation detailing everything that happened at school. 

She is at a new friend's house this afternoon. I know this is good for her, but I'm rather stressed about it. I don't know these people or their household. The girl seems very nice, and I trust L. She has good character and a stable brain.  I'm sure it will be fine. I'm just not used to her being with strangers and will be on edge all afternoon until she returns. She is less than a mile away, and I showed her various locations in the area "safe spots" she could go to if she needed. I will learn to be less neurotic about her.  ** Update: She returned from her play date safe and sound and had a great time. :)

Damon is such a character! It has been so much fun getting to know him and learning to communicate with him. He has some very distinct and unusual preferences and is quite stubborn. I did determine after some experimentation that it's the cold temperature water he prefers, not so much the freshness/cleanness of it. He just really likes his drinks icy cold, as do I. I am known for always having my ice water with me and drinking copious amounts of water. I cannot stand water that's not ice cold, though. So while people may mock me for running like a bitch 20 times a day to give him the cold drink he prefers whenever he asks, I will continue to do so, because I get it. I would become completely dehydrated if my only drinking choice were room temp. water. I'm sure he would get water for me if he were able.  His favorite foods appear to be cantaloupe and bananas.

We have established some rules for him, because he always wants to be on top of me (literally sometimes!), and that can create some traffic problems. It has made my food prep difficult/dangerous, so I'm trying to establish an area in the kitchen where he can be close and see everything but not cause me to trip so much. We had to deal with the same issue several weeks ago with our workouts. He decided that he wanted to stand right next to me while I worked out. Initially, I tried to adjust and work around him. In addition to impeding the intensity of my workout, it also created some encounters that were uncomfortable to gross. He kept surprising me with random displays of affection, which are always quite wet and slobbery, and I wear very little when I work out. I did not like the surprise of a very wet lick complete with slobber strings on my back, stomach, neck (while lying on the floor with weights up in the air). No. 

We have some big fluffy comforters that we put on the floor for him to lie on (he's welcome on the furniture, of course), so I started using one of those in the workout room. I placed it in the room, near the doorway, and out of the way of our workout space. The goal is to keep him off the cushioned floor mats. That went really well for a few weeks. Then he started lying with half his body on the approved comforter and half on the forbidden cushioned floor.  Then we caught him moving his comforter onto the cushioned floor mats, which was quite clever of him and very cute to watch him slowly edge his blanket further and further into the room. We moved his blanket back to the approved spot, and he gave up (until the next night). Then suddenly a few nights ago, he just planted himself right back in the center of the room. He did the same next two nights, and very reluctantly moved back onto his blanket when called out. He is so darn cute!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Hey! My youngest is also a new student at Craig. they might even run into each other. Best of luck this school year, maybe I'll see you there! - Cindy