Saturday, October 04, 2008

Another rockin' Saturday night for the B-D family ;)

Sadly, we had to miss out on our last chance to camp this year. Luciana had a cold with a bad cough, and we didn't think it was wise to take her out in the cold for so long. We stayed in town, but enjoyed family time together. It was very nice to have so much time to enjoy just the three of us.

Friday night, we took L. to Borders, one of her favorite locations. We used up her last Borders gift card (from last xmas), and she got several more books. She got the next four books in the Cat Warrior series that she is completely addicted to. She got a couple of other books that look pretty good. She started the next book in the C.W. series in the car, on the way home. She made friends with a little girl (10 yrs) in the children's section, and they giggled and talked and looked at books until we pulled her out of there to go home to bed.

I got a book called, "Outwitting Cats", which I started reading today. I really need help in that area, because so far, the cats are winning on every front. I just finished a book from the library called, "Cat Wrangling Made Easy". It's specifically for managing multi-cat households. It was a great book, and as many books as I've read on cats and cat behavior, I still managed to learn quite a bit. They are such amazing creatures, and reading about them reminds me again that they really are superior to me in so many ways. They appreciate that I feel and show the appropriate amount of awe around them, I'm sure!

H. came over to play at around 10 this morning, and they asked at around 8 if he could spend the night. They worked hard on building their robot. They told me that they had the 'belly part' done, but then decided to play something else for a while. We aren't really sure what they are doing for their robot, and they haven't revealed it yet. They have a pile of old speakers, routers and various other computer pieces and electronic parts. Mark brought up that his younger brother Dan, when he was younger, was also into tinkering and building, and just about killed himself in one of his projects. So we talked to them this afternoon about not EVER plugging anything in in their 'workshop' unless they had asked one of us and gotten permission first. They assured us that they would never do that without permission. I think they will need frequent reminding. They have a knack for forgetting rules, particularly when they are excited about something.

We are spending this Saturday night surfing the net on our respective laptops, taking turns running downstairs to check on the children. They want to sleep down in the family room tonight, instead of in L's bedroom. They have a tv down there and a new Scooby movie. The perfect night, when you're 8 & 7 yrs. old. Our big excitment for the night will be popping in our (Netflix) BSG season 2 dvd once the kids are settled down for the night. My husband sucked me into that vortex, which I am still embarassed to admit. That really cements my geek status! My Saturday nights were so, so very different, once upon a time.

The only upside of missing the camping trip (well, in addition to not having to leave my critter babies) was that I got to watch the debates. M. got bored and skipped a portion in the middle, but I watched the whole thing. I was quite disappointed that Phailin didn't hose up as bad as she usually does when she opens her mouth. I was pleased that she definitely didn't do well, though--just not as bad as I expected. It was painfully obvious that she couldn't stray far from her handful of talking points, much like a trained circus animal. She said NOT ONE SINGLE thing of substance and gave so many weird answers that didn't remotely pertain to the questions asked. Wow--it was painful to watch (not to mention listening to her horrid voice and white trash speech patterns). I missed out on the drinking games that everyone else around the country was playing with her, 'maverick', 'ya', 'you betcha'. I wouldn't have made it past the first 15 minutes with my pathetic alcohol tolerance anyway. She's such an embarassment to women! Why, oh why, would anyone in this country want a POTUS/VPOTUS who is not smart?! She can't even speak her native language properly for god sake! The U.S. does not need another ignorant hick in office to further embarass us to the the rest of the world! Here's a simple rule of thumb they should apply to anyone running for office: If they cannot correctly pronounce the word, 'nuclear', they should not have any power, control, or input on anything involving nuclear weapons or energy. Biden was very polished and professional. I thought he played it well for the most part.

We have a Petland protest tomorrow at 1:00. Join us! We're hoping the rain holds off. We certainly won't melt, but many of our signs will!

L. left a note earlier in the week for the tooth fairy again. Her previous note to t.f. was a request to clean L's room instead of leaving her money. The t.f. declined. This time, she simply asked if t.f. was a boy or a girl. She made little checkboxes again for the answer. She was so excited that t.f. replied the same way she did last time--by leaving a little smiley face in the checkbox. She's a girl, which confirmed L's suspicions and hopes.

1 comment :

Dusty Rainbolt said...

Sorry to read your daughter was under the weather. I enjoyed your blog. Thanks for the kind words about Cat Wrangling.

Dusty Rainbolt
Member of Cat Writers' Association & International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants