Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Catch up

L & H got to spend a day with the animals at Heartland Farm Sanctuary for farm camp a couple of weeks ago. M & I were both off work that day, so we dropped the kids in Verone at the farm and got to meet all the animals. The kids had a great time and can't wait to go back. I want to go back too, soon, to visit my new animal friends. They were all just fantastic, and I've been thinking about them since we left!

We did attend the wedding I blogged about--the much-too-young bride. It was a very, very hot day and an outdoor wedding; my arm was really hurting. The heat tends to make it swell more, which increases the pain. I'm glad we went, though, because as it turns out, we were the only people there who were not closely related to the bride/groom. It was a very small wedding, and our absence would have been very noticed and very hurtful, and I would be absolutely sick about hurting any of them. They are so young and inexperienced! I really wish them the best, and hope the young bride beats the odds and finds happiness. She's a beautiful girl and was a gorgeous bride.

Dej came over a few days before the wedding with a new dress she had gotten to wear for it. She fell in love with the dress, but it was strapless. Busty girls and strapless tops are never a good mix, so she planned on having me fix it for her. With the condition of my right arm, however, that was impossible. I measured, we went out to JoAnn's and found some crochet lace that worked perfectly, as the dress already had crochet lace at the hem. I measured again, cut and pinned the straps and talked her through the sewing process. It was a success and the dress looked great on her! I briefly entertained the notion that she would be able to do her own mending after this (and the child rips clothes like nothing I've ever seen--I'm always repairing things for her). I was wrong. She brought two dresses over this week for repair. Her cats chewed the strap off on one side of each dress. They will be sitting here for a while before I am able to sew again!

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