Friday, July 29, 2011

Going vertical

My quest to examine my home from a cat's perspective has helped immensely. It's all about the vertical space, and as we add more of that, we get fewer arguments which means happier, less stressed cats and humans. We finally got our wall climbers hung (with the help of my brother-in-law), and they have been in heavy usage since. They LOVE these shelves!

They scamper up to the top and nap, watch the world, and feel like the ruler of the second floor territory. They also spend a lot of time up on the shelves playing--jumping back and forth, skittering across, around, over, and under the shelves.

The climbers are fairly expensive (though not overpriced), but they are handmade by animal lovers (yay! no corporate fat cats to collect my money) and they are remarkably sturdy and solid. I will definitely be ordering more as we can afford it--the peace and happiness they are bringing to our household are priceless! We ordered them from Crazy Cat Condos, and we started with 'package C'. It's fun to look at them and dream up fun and exciting configurations that will allow our little furballs to be jungle cats, peering down at the world from high in the tree tops.

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