Monday, August 08, 2011

A little more catch up

Sketch of a dog, followed by the 'scratching' (don't know the technical name) of it.
L & H attended College for Kids two weeks ago. As always they had a blast. Dej attended CfK every year that she was in the age group (as has L) and always loved it too. They do a great job with it there, and I only wished it were two weeks long instead of one.

L & H both took digital art (Photoshop) class in the morning, so they were in that together. H made this magazine cover. They chose different afternoon classes though. L took an art class and H took a rocket building class, and we got to go see his rocket launch on the last day.
L brought home all of her art creations. I photographed the whole pile, or so I thought. Now that I look at the photos, I notice that some of her pieces are mysteriously missing from the pile. Those must be works that she didn't like as well. Her tesselation is missing, and I liked it. She complained when she showed it to me that it was crappy because she made a mistake.

This week she's at dance (Bharatanatyam) camp, which makes a very, very long day for me. I have to drop her off in Verona, which is farther west than my work in Madison, go back to work for the day, then drive back to Verona to pick her up, then finally back home. Since I hit beltline traffic on all four trips, it makes for a much too much car time--3.5 hrs today.

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