Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Luciana has pointed out that the rats haven't received nearly enough blog coverage lately, as they've been eclipsed by Poppy.  So I will talk about the ratty boys today.

Usually I spend my time with the ratty boys at night.  I go in to read to Luce before bed and spend time playing with the rats.  I am usually wearing lounge wear, with one of my garments having a pocket on the right side and the other garment having a pocket at the left breast.  These pockets are important, because they often contain the nightly cat treats, which the rats love.

They learned fairly early on how to check each pocket for treats and to lift them if found.  I now know enough to guard my pockets if they contain cat treats.  The rats quickly figured out a countermeasure to my countermeasure.  They have always enjoyed running up the inside of my sleeves and playing around inside my voluminous lounge wear/pajamas.  I noticed some persistent activity in my right hip area, and found that Quince had climbed into my sleeve as usual but instead of playing like usual, he had zeroed in on the pocket and was working on chewing a hole in the fabric to get to the cat treats.  It didn't take the other two very long to figure that move out, so now I have to be really careful with guarding my pockets from both sides.

Watching the three of them play together and wrestle like all brothers do is so entertaining!  One will take a flying leap at one of their brothers from 2 or 3 feet away, and the two start rolling around wrestling.  As soon as the third sees what the others are up to, he will stop whatever he's doing and launch himself into the pile.  Like all brothers, sometimes it gets a little out of hand and someone ends up getting hurt (not injured), and he gives a loud squeak to let them know.  Usually they settle down at that point, but now and then I have to pick someone up and remind them to be nice, which usually serves as a little distraction which is enough to lower  the intensity of the play.  They have such a cool relationship!  I love the way they all like to snuggle up together to sleep.

The video is of the boys trying to get the jawbreaker out of Luciana's mouth.  They like to inspect your mouth if you have the audacity to eat in front of them, and if they like the smell of what you have, they will try to make it their own.

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