Thursday, February 16, 2012

I had my camera in L's room tonight for our reading time.  I took pics of the cats tonight and that was my intended photo topic for tonight, but then the ratty boys were so cute I had to start with them. 

Womble is especially attached to L.  He's always grabbing at her, trying to climb up her shirt, or anything he can think of to get her attention.  He's quite an affectionate little guy, but not quite as outgoing as Walt.
The moment they hear the rustle of their bag of dried banana treats, they stop what they're doing and run to the bag.  They grab a treat and run over to a different area to eat it.

In other news, my focus has been on getting fit and healthy this year.  I dropped 14 pounds fairly easily, but have now hit a plateau that is very frustrating.  I'm working out six days a week, though when I finally reach my goal, I will drop down to four days a week.  It's an hour every day that I could be doing other things, so I've had to give up one hour of productivity which I really need.  I'm not going to get back to fit and healthy without serious hard work, and I have finally "hit my bottom" and have the necessary motivation to get through the suffering.  I'm not very patient, though, so it's hard to not get the instant results my impatient nature requires.

This weekend we attended the annual Alliance Vegantines dinner.  The wardrobe situation didn't work out so well, and I couldn't make myself look nice that day to save my soul.  Dej looked spectacular, and Mark and Russ looked good, and the food was fantastic (catered by Bunky's), so it was a good night over all.  My friend Julie came with us as well, so we had a great night visiting with friends and catching up with those I don't get to see nearly often enough!

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