Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 2

Today marked the beginning of the second week of the semester. I'm starting to get the hang of my new schedule and have my classrooms situated (we had two room changes for one very large class)and the necessary software working in all of my rooms. This is the week that we start rolling with the content and I get to focus on getting to know the students. I don't have homework coming in until later this week, so I don't yet have grading to worry about. It's a pretty good week.

One of my classes, Java, has 25 students, which is very large for a subject that complex. All 25 are young men. So far, they seem very eager to learn. It's going to be an adventure! I had two classes last semester with only one woman, but I've never taught a class without one single female student.

Tica, as well as most of the other cats, love snuggling into this afghan. Mark's grandmother made it for him many years ago, and he uses it on the bed. Whenever he isn't using it, one or more cats are.

When L & I went in her room to play with the rats earlier tonight, we found Quince peeking out of his customized tissue box. I love the shots with his adorable tiny mouth open. (Yes, his teeth are orange. Rats have orange teeth.)

His brother Womble loves to play underneath the towels on L's bed (used to protect her bed from ratty playtime), frequently peeking out to see what's going on with the rest of us.

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