Sunday, June 03, 2012

2012 Annual Day

We enjoyed watching the Kalaanjali School of Dance at their 2012 Annual Day yesterday.  Luciana performed her first Alarippu (blossoming--her coming-out dance).  It's much more technically complicated than any of the other dances she has performed. She's very annoyed that she "messed up" one part of the dance, but that happens.  It was the group's first time performing this number, so they will get better at it and work the kinks out in future performances.

As always, the three-hour show was a treat to watch.  It would have been more enjoyable if not for the obnoxious feral children behaving badly.  I spent the last half of the show completely infuriated over the children who were allowed to scream through over a half hour of the show, and the particularly bratty little boy who spent the last hour or so of the show running around the auditorium, including across the front row, blocking the stage action and crashing repeatedly into the photographer who was trying to do his job in the aisle.  It is unfathomable to me that anyone would allow their child to distract from and negatively impact an event that so many people worked so very hard on.  Those dancers put their hearts into their performances and work so hard, and the lack of respect shown them yesterday pushed my temper almost to the breaking point.  Here's a little advice to parents of youngsters:  NOBODY THINKS YOUR KIDS ARE AS CUTE AS YOU DO, so if they don't know how to behave in public, get a fucking babysitter!

L has very little tolerance or patience for my picture taking, so I didn't get nearly the shots I was hoping for, and I didn't get any of us together.

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