Sunday, April 27, 2008

Plenty o' crazy here

Not feeling chatty. Not feeling like being on this shitty earth quite frankly. I got a call last night for an animal rescue situation. Threw on my clothes and went out with Allegrea. What we ended up dealing with was deeply and profoundly awful. Devastating at many levels. I wish I could unring that bell, but no way to do that. Now it's a matter of just trying to keep my brain actively assaulted with input, so it's not allowed to think and wander. I don't know how long it will be until I can close my eyes to sleep without seeing things that make me want to die. This really sucks. There are no happy endings. I need a new tattoo quickly. It helps a little. If you're totally sane, it wouldn't make sense, so no point in explaining. Sorry to be oblique, but I'm in a lot of pain and just not ready to relive the situation.

Oh, and the Janesville Police Department yet again has proven themselves to be blatant liars who don't care about anything or anyone other than raising revenue. They looked both of us in the face last night and blatantly lied and showed cruelty and disregard beyond belief.

Al. and I worked at the RC Humane Society rummage sale today. They sold a lot of stuff, so we're hoping they raised a good chunk of money. It will never be enough, though. I am just shocked by the things that people buy. There seem to be some people who will buy anything. The majority of these 'junk collectors' were quite old, and I kept thinking as we were adding up and packing bag after bag full of shit that will sit around and collect dust, their children/grandchildren are going to have to deal with this nightmare of crap someday. My grandparents were like that. What a pain. I just don't understand the mentality of these people I guess. Bottom line, though, is all that money went to help the animals, so at least it was for a good cause.

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