Thursday, May 15, 2008

Babies, babies, babies!

This week just FLEW by! Here it is Thursday already, and I really can't account for where the days have gone. We've had fairly nice weather, so we have gotten some weeding done in the evenings. Not nearly enough, but some. In a mere two hours, I will be getting my LOST fix. There's no episode next week, so I'm hoping tonight will be good enough to keep my little brain busy pondering it for the next two weeks.

Our baby robins have hatched, and the cats are very intrigued by the sounds they hear just outside our front door. Petey has taken up the habit of perching on the inside front door, so he can get a better view of the birds out there. He likes it enough that he sits up there pretty regularly, even when he's not interested in bird watching. He can also get a birds' eye view of part of the house, including our birdroom, from that spot. None of the other cats are crazy enough to try getting up there or balancing on top of a door, so he never has to share it. It makes me very nervous, but Petey has always been an atheletic little risk taker, and I know there's nothing I can do to change this behavior.

I lose almost every battle I take on with Petey. I did win one with him. It's so rare that it makes me ridiculously proud--yea, me! I finally outsmarted a cat! Lila gets one meal a day of kitten food, as she won't be a year old until June 1. The other cats, most of whom are slightly hefty, have no need for kitten food. I buy the food in 8 pound bags, put as much as I can fit into an airtight container, and feed Lila out of the container. The rest of the food in the bag needs to be hidden, as all bagged cat food in the house, or the cats rip the bags open, feast, and leave a giant mess. I hid the bag of catfood in the linen closet upstairs, behind the towels, and closed and latched the doors. Petey knew where the bag was and became obsessed with getting into the linen closet. I became obsessed with keeping him out. My stubborn little boy learned that if he repeatedly flung himself at the linen closet, he could just grab the ledge under the doors. You can see his claw marks all over the linen closet, the ledge, and the drawers underneath. Somehow, he also figured out how to get the latched doors open. I would come home to find the doors open, big holes in the food bag, and food all over the closet and floors. Of course the other cats were right there to enjoy the spoils, once he liberated the food for them. After trying to keep him from being able to open the doors many, many different ways, I finally rearranged stuff so I could put the food in one of the drawers beneath the linen closet. Once he discovered his secret little stash was no longer in the closet, he was NOT happy. There is no way he could ever get those big heavy wooden drawers open. HA! I win, sort of. He taught me a lesson, though, by getting into the linen closet every day for a couple of weeks after I moved the food. He would rampage through it--knocking all the drugs and first aid stuff off the shelves, tipping over the extra shampoo, conditioner, and various other grooming products, unrolling towels, etc. He has moved on to other things now, so I am counting the linen closet as one victory for me (versus like the thousand that the cats have won).

Tica was spayed this morning and is doing well. We were able to visit her tonight for a while. She was so happy to see us, she went from quivering in fear (she does that a lot) to purring. She ate a little bit while we were there. We gave her lots of love and hated leaving her. We get to pick her up early tomorrow morning, and we can't wait to get our girl back home!

I actually had much more to say, but since I started typing, we had a pop-in visit from a gardening friend (we live fairly close, and he's "in the business" too, so we walk by each others' homes and admire the gardens throughout the growing season), and my husband just got home from teaching a workshop on ornamental grasses. I have to update him on the day's events and be ready to watch LOST in 20 minutes, so I'm off for now.

btw...if my post titles don't make sense sometimes, they are either song lyrics or something from LOST. Coming up with titles is the hardest part of blogging for me, so if I can't come up with anything right away, I just pull up a lyric or something from LOST that is going through my head at the time.

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