Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Cats are Safe

Blogger has changed its interface since my last post, so I'll have to spend some time figuring it out.  So far I like the changes.

My wrist surgery went well, and I'm recovering better from this one than from the previous one.  Having the hardware out is a fantastic improvement that has really reduced the pain and problems I was having before--even before the pin started pushing itself out through my skin.  I really liked the surgeon (Wehrly), who was shockingly personable for a surgeon and quite enthusiastic about his field.

Yesterday I took a break from the work I'm behind on.  L & I went to the arrangatrum (a very important milestone in which they do their first solo performance) of one of L's classmates.  At 13, Snigdha performed beautifully for the 2+ hour performance.  It was very well attended, and I can't imagine having the courage at that age to dance alone, with a live orchestra and vocalist from India, and an audience of well over 100 people.  The music and dance were both fantastic, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.

We had to rush back from Stoughton to get in town in time to pick M, Dej, & Russ up to go see the Vagina Monologues.  This performance was at UW Rock, and was also very enjoyable.  We all laughed a lot!  I cried a lot, as usual.  The ladies performing the Monologues did a tremendous job.  Mark had seen it with me before, but it was the first time (of many, I hope) my girls had seen it, and I'm glad we were together.  They perform it at my college every couple of years, so I would like to continue to go as a family tradition.  I meant to offer my students extra-credit points for attending, but it slipped my mind.  I wish I had.  It's something everyone should see--especially men!

The pictures are of the cats, who have been exceptionally naughty lately, checking out our biometric safe that I was trying to program.  They all found it enticing and wanted to crawl right into it.  It made programming  a little challenging, but I eventually got it done, despite the little fur balls.

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