Saturday, October 20, 2007

And that one guitar just blew him away

Tonight was the Alliance's annual vegan dinner and silent auction. We arrived late, but there was still plenty of good food to eat. I was really sad, though, that my favorite--the chocolate chip cookies that Leslie makes--were gone. The butterscotch rice krispie bars with fudge frosting were almost as good. I met some of the posters face-to-face, which was pretty cool. I've chatted with Sonia before and finally got to put a face with the name. She's very pretty with beautiful teeth! Her partner Nick (also a member) was there, too. They won an awesome cat tree from the auction for their cat, Willow. We got some incense. and L. got a cute little owl for wearing her costume. She decided to wear last year's cheetah costume instead of this year's costume. She helped herself to my new eyeliner to draw her cat face/whiskers. She looked adorable, so I just bit my tongue and didn't comment on my brand new and now mangled eyeliner. Jason got hit by a truck while riding his bike to the dinner. He's fine, but the truck didn't even stop--just hit him and kept on driving. What an ass!!

I had Michael's boys this afternoon, and their puppy, Johnny. My cats at least didn't gang up and terrorize little Johnny like they did poor Romeo the pit bull. Petey was just starting to warm up to him, and I think if he had stayed longer, they would have had a lot of fun playing together. He was really fascinated with the catnip toys, and kept trying to abscond with them. My parents took Johnny for a walk and left, while the boys stayed and played with L. They all had fun. Elijah was a dancin' fool. He saw L's DDR (dance) toy and was curious about it, so I got it out. Once he saw how that worked, he stayed on that the rest of the afternoon. He frequently pointed out to me what a good dancer he is (I agreed, of course) and showed me his dancing "style". L. & Pavielle took turns dancing on the other side, but Elijah just kept on dancing. I'm thinking he should be tired tonight.

The good news for today is that the state of WI has finally passed a budget. Even better news, the cigarette tax is going to go up $1 per pack.

Even more good news came later in the day, when I got an e-mail from my friend and fellow activist Anthony Marr that he will be in town the weekend of my birthday.

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