Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Late Tattoosday 8

I would have blogged last night, but I had to do some urgent database work for the Alliance. I got the urgent stuff done--the rest I can plug away at. Mark's upper right arm/shoulder has a tattoo of his family crest. He researched the original clan's crest and had it recreated.

I just finished watching a very unique play, performed by L. & Hunter. It was called, "The Witch and the Knight". It involved a lot of karate. They spent the afternoon/evening together and were very productive. They cleaned and decorated her tree fort. They used a lot of duct tape and some of my quilting fabrics. It's pouring rain (with thunder and lightening) right now, so I'm afraid their decorations aren't going to hold up very well. Then they came in and announced that they were in a cleaning mood and asked if they could clean the bird room. Okay! Works for me! Now she would like to know how much money she will get for cleaning the bird room. Hmmmm. I smelled a plot. Then she said that they wanted the money for the Humane Society--aaaww, how can I argue with that one?

Monday night was our appoint to pick out D's senior pictures. That was not fun. It was expensive! She had a lot of really nice pictures, so it was hard to choose. She wasn't very pleasant either, and that didn't help. Mark had a presentation in Baraboo, so he couldn't join us. My mom was able to come for a bit, but had to leave early as she had dinner guests. Now we just have to wait 4-6 weeks to get the pictures in.

I will be driving to Madison tomorrow, which totally pisses me off (with my stupid self). We went to Farmer's Market today (Sarita and I usually go on Wednesdays), and I got the last of the organic raspberries. There isn't very much organic produce there--not nearly what I would expect of Madison! I have to work very hard to find anything organic, and as there isn't much of it, it tends to go early. So, I got the berries and was thrilled, even though they were a bit pricey. They were huge and it's so late in the season. So, like an idiot, I walked out of work leaving them on my desk. I will be damned if I will just let them go to waste. So I will spend gas and two hours of time to get what will prove to be the most expensive raspberries ever. I will enjoy them though.

There was a big rally in front of the capital today about the state's lack of a budget. Nothing I love more than a rally, especially if it threatens to turn into anarchy. It was hard to leave and go back to work, but it didn't look like there were too many cops or any arrests imminent. It doesn't count as a real march or rally unless there arrests. :) The square was also full of cars and trucks circling, honking their horns non-stop. I really felt naked having no sign! It is so ridiculous to me that every single person in this state will suffer as a result of having no budget approved. There are just a couple of short months left before state employees will be laid off. These are employees that everyone depends on! Among others, think educators and law enforcement. That's just the tip of the iceberg. However, the dishonest, greedy morons who have created and continue to perpetuate this mess will NOT suffer. Why? No matter what, they will be overpaid their obscenely high salaries and continue to receive their cushy benefits. They are the only ones who will not suffer. There is no penalty for them if they don't establish a budget (unlike most other states). They can drag this pissing match out indefinitely. I am so beyond fed up with ALL politicians. If Americans weren't so drugged out (legal prescriptions of course, courtesy of the pharmaceuticals) and complacent, we wouldn't keep trying to hobble along and patch a government that is irrepairably and permanently broken. It's too bad that the 5% of the wealthiest control absolutely everything. There could be a lot of power in the 95% of us who are forced to swim around in the shit they toss at us repeatedly, but the masses are happy to suffer in ignorance--just as long as the drugs are still available.

Both of the pitbulls we placed this month are doing well. Everyone is happy, healthy, and in love. I just love the happy updates! I still have two dogs I am working on placing--very sad situations--but am having no luck. The more I do rescue work, the more antisocial I become. I am really, really starting to hate the human species and their innate selfishness. Although, it may be an American thing more than a human thing? Not sure. I just know I don't have the time of day for assholes with plenty of money, a yard, 2000 sq. feet of house (or more), who can't share any of it with others. Adopt, share, help! If animals aren't your thing, fine--take in some foster children or something. People are so stingy and lazy! I have permanently altered my opinion of the vast majority of people I know and had previously considered to be "nice people". Nope, they're selfish assholes, who I truly hope find the same compassion, when they are helpless and in need, that they have shared with others throughout their lives.

I've never been into organized religion but have always been very spiritual--until recently. Doing rescue work has finally disabused me of any notions of any type of sky fairy. It always made me feel infinitely better to remind myself that the universe unfolds just as it should, and all would get their just desserts eventually. It somehow made me feel better to know that justice would prevail, even though it wouldn't be within this lifetime. The concept is called karma, but unfortunately, karma has become the least understood, most wrongly used term in the country, so I really hate to use that word. Now, sadly, I am having a hard time convincing myself that this is the case, and it is making me a lot more angry and bitter with these people now. I have to find a way to work this out, because it's making me very stressed, sad, and angry a lot. My mom reminded me last night that all the animals in my house will absorb and suffer from my negative emotions. I am responsible for keeping them healthy and happy, so ... I have to figure out how to adjust to my new outlook.

We also adopted two parakeets this weekend. I'm so happy we were able to get them out of the hellhole situation they were "living" in. They are still quite overwhelmed with the freedom and space in the birdroom, so they are temporarily in the large, human-size cage. Usually the door is open, as it's full of toys and the birds like to go in and out to play. Because these guys have been so confined and are terrified by everything, I am keeping them in the big cage until they adapt to that and are no longer fearful. Then I can open the door and give them the freedom they deserve. It kills me to see them caged, even though it's huge, but I know that right now they are happier that way than they would be with freedom. It's always been so heartbreaking to see animals that I adopt respond fearfully to freedom and an enriched environment. They all take to it with relish eventually, but it's just so overwhelming for them initially. L. named the new babies Sky and Rain (they are both blue).

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