Sunday, February 10, 2008

Because there's a hole in my tights, Mommy.

Duh, so logical, yet I, lacking in practical logic apparently, had to ask. I noticed at bedtime, that L. had a quarter-sized black circle colored on her calf. I asked her what was clearly a stupid question. "Why did you color a black circle on your leg?" And to that question, I recieved the very logical answer above. What a clever and effective way to handle the whole stocking-hole problem. It worked, as she wore the black tights all day, and I didn't notice the quarter-sized hole in the calf!

I've been a garden-expo widow for the last few days, and thanks to even more snow that's been dumped on us, I was almost a widow! He has had to go back and forth to Madison for the expo, as he's had presentations each day. He's their best-attended speaker, by the way. Anyway, he hit some horribly dangerous, icy roads and almost died this morning on the way there. I was so mad at him for making such a dangerous trip. He's home now, thank god, but will need to catch up on rest after working so many long days without a day off. I've had a lonely weekend of housework and chores, for the most part. L. kept busy playing with H. I love that she is so social and plays so nicely with her friends whenever she can, but the selfish part of me really wants a little more time with her! I was a good mommy, though, and didn't make her feel guilty for abandoning me. ;)

We did enjoy some time with our good friends on Friday night. P.K. and Allegrea came over to hang out after L. went to bed. We actually put a movie in that we intended to watch but ended up having such good conversations, that we never made it to the movie. It's always amazing how quickly time flies when we have our good friends around. A. finished Mark's tattoo drawing--the first draft anyway. She and her partner, Austin (the tattoo artist, and also an artist) collaborated and came up with an absolutely perfect drawing. A. is going to add some more fun details to it, and then he'll be ready for the needle. I can't wait to see it. We both love it. It will take several hours, though, and may even require two sittings. Then, finally, it will be my turn again! They also made some great drawings of the dragon that L. asked for, along with a nice poster of i that Austin made for her. She was so excited to see the pictures when she got up the next day!

I had plenty of time this weekend to do some research on LOST and various theories and scientific concepts. I'm so glad it's back!

The other topic I tried to research wasn't quite as successful. I have been increasingly wondering about a specific facet of animal behavior. It's been on my mind because of the rabbits. I guess spending a couple of hours every night on the bathroom floor supervising rabbits gives me time to ponder weighty topics like why a fixed female rabbit expresses dominance through mounting and humping a male rabbit. Dogs use this gesture to express dominance as well, regardless of their gender. Cats do not. Birds do not. The thing I love about science, biology, evolution, etc., is that it's so very logical. It makes sense. There is a cause and effect sequence, that once discovered, proves to be very elegant. What bothers me is that I can't find that element in this behavioral manifestation. It's most definitely instinctive, as it occurs in altered animals of both genders, even when they have never experienced sex. Why is dominance expressed by imitating sexual penetration? Why is it not established like cats--they fight and whoever wins the fight is dominant. That's simple and elegant. What biological/evolutionary structure accounts for the link between sex and dominance? I can't help but see the parallel in humans and the use of rape as an expression of power and dominance rather than one of sexuality. Despite my excellent Internet research skills, I found nothing theorizing as to why these two are connected in certain species of animals. I'm trying to come up with a theory that adheres to Occam's Razor, as the rest of science does (for the most part), but I have struck out so far. So I would love to hear any thoughts or theories on this subject that anyone may have.

M. just returned from the pharmacy. My pain level has been hideous since last night, and I was up until after 5 this morning with pain. He sweetly went to pick something up for me, so I can sleep tonight--at least enough to safely drive to work tomorrow. L. is supposed to be sleeping. Surprise. She's not yet. She's missed M. so much the last few days, as she hasn't seen him to speak of, so when she heard him come up to the bedroom, she whispers (as if I won't notice her little voice), "Daddy, will you take some days off this week?" He assured her that he would, and she will hold him to that, should he try to wriggle out of it. Then, "Daddy, did you look in your sock drawer and cupboard?" (What she means is the armoire he keeps his clothes in). She spent some time this afternoon re-folding and re-organizing all of the clothing in his armoire for him. She couldn't wait to show him. He was appropriately excited about it. NOW maybe she will go to sleep. She is not fun to wake up on Monday mornings!

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