Saturday, February 23, 2008

4 8 15 16 23 42

L., while she was supposed to be cleaning her room, created this bedroom for Piggy and Lamby (her lifelong friends). She built the bed out of her wooden building blocks and plywood. The desk is built out of her wooden blocks. Everything is super glued together, so it's permanent. She did this all on her own and told us after the fact. On the writing desk are Piggy and Lamby's pets, a piece of paper, and a tiny pencil. She made the pencil on her own as well, by cutting a piece of wicker from my woven wicker basket, cut the end to a point with scissors, and used a real pencil to color the sharpened tip gray. It really looks like a tiny little pencil!

The girls and I had a quiet day in the house. Dej didn't have to work today, but since she was hoping to be allowed to go to B's house tonight, she was a sweet little chore machine for most of the day. Elijah, my brother's youngest, came over to play with L. for a few hours this afternoon. They played very nicely together. He loves to play on her dancing mat (the DDR-type thing), and they kept busy until my parents came back to pick him up. He's another one of those rarities--a little boy who is mannerly, well-behaved, plays nicely. He just turned five yesterday. He made me a lovely drawing of a Star Wars guy (maybe an Imperial Guard?? I'm not a Star Wars fan, so not totally sure). I was able to get my grading done and the week's homeschooling lessons done. The new math curriculum I ordered, Singapore Math, just arrived. I am VERY happy with, and L. will love it. She will start on it this week. Mark had to go into work today (again) as he was presenting at a gardening seminar.

We went to my parents' house for my dad's homemade pizza. Michael's boys are there for the weekend, so they were there as well. Dej had already gone to B's by then and didn't join us. L. played with the boys the whole time we were there. She also managed to eat FOUR pieces of pizza! We had lost of LOST conversation. We got home in time to get L. settled and in bed. Next up for our rockin' Saturday night, we'll watch an episode or two of Weeds, and after M. gets to sleep, I will be back online. I think I'm done researching the arrow of time stuff, and I'm going to spend tonight reading more about anti matter. I love that stuff!

Friday was a mysterious miracle. The whole family, yes, even Dej, went to Milwaukee to see the Body Worlds exhibit at the museum. We also went to the Human Body Imax movie. We were very impressed by the exhibit. These are all preserved human bodies, posed in various activites and showing various systems (i.e. muscular, skeletal, circulatory, organs, etc.). It was very educational and interesting, which we expected. It was also surprisingly beautiful and artistic. I didn't really expect that. Dej was pleasant the whole day. Everybody got along. No fights in the back seat--no problems at all. That just doesn't happen when spending a full day with the queen of moods. We had a light lunch/snack at the museum's "cafe" and then saw the Imax. We had to get back after that, as D. had to work that night. We had a wonderful day! The whole family did something fun together, learned something, and our girls enjoyed their time with us. YEA!!! L. enjoyed some of it, but thought much of it was gross. She didn't find it as artistic and beautiful as we did. Dej found some inspiration for her art, so we got her a poster that she really wanted for her room. We also purchased the book, as it will be interesting for Mark & I to read and look at and will also be a nice supplement for our human anatomy homeschooling units.

Our normal Saturday night date night was switched to Friday this week, because my parents are going to some church thing in Milwaukee to hear my brother speak. M. planned another one of his top-secret date-night surprises. We went to see a play at the Broom Street Theater (Madison). We haven't yet been to any performances there. It's the oldest independent theater group in Madison. It was a very enjoyable performance. It was written by a local guy, too. It was again nice to be part of something in which people pursue their passion and aren't focused on money. We will probably attend events there in the future.

After the play, we returned home and had our typical Friday re-watch and analysis of LOST. Just as enjoyable the second time around. Michael Emerson (Ben) and Terry O'Quin (Locke) are such tremendous actors. We really enjoy watching their performances.


I got to have a quiet Thursday with Colton. He's been sick for several days and wasn't well enough for daycare but his mom had already taken time off and needed to teach that day. Sick little ones need much more doting and affection than they get in daycare, and I was glad to have a little one to take care of. Despite not feeling well, he was a perfect little doll. We had a lot of cuddle time. The cats were all very affectionate with him. They would randomly walk over and rub gently against him, which he loved. Even Ivan--IVAN--came over and was really sweet and cuddly with him. He had a great time just watching the cats play.

I had class in the evening and returned home for our LOST celebration. I have to say, I called this one right. I thought Kate's "him" was a baby, not a man. It's nice to be right every now and then with this show. And, I must have been an extra good girl lately, because the gods smiled down on me with the scene of Sawyer in his white boxers and his smile. It's the dimples. And the abs. And the hair. And, well, he's pretty much got it all going on. He's deficient in tattoos, but we all have our shortcomings, I guess. Aah, Sayid last week and Sawyer this week. The universe is kind.

Wednesday evening we had an appointment for parent-teacher conferences at Dej's International Academy. We have been so thoroughly impressed with that school in every way. It's a fabulous program, and we feel that it's the best education Dej has received in her high-school career. I wish all public schools were like this, but of course that's impossible for many reasons. Her teacher is awesome, too. We receive e-mails from her at night, days off school, weekends--the woman must really live her job, because she seems to be working round the clock! Anyway, she told us what a wonderful student Dej is, she's a pleasure to have, amazing writer, good at research, one of the most responsible about turning good quality work in on time, good at public speaking, poised, etc. It was an absolutely glowing description of a young woman I have not had the pleasure of meeting, obviously. Seriously, who was this woman talking about?! I know that Dej really loves that school and her teacher, and it has been an extremely positive experience for her. I was thrilled to find out that she is such a wonderful and responsible joy to have in class. I really wish that girl lived in my house with me, but at least she has it in her somewhere. It gives me a much more hopeful attitude about her first year of college than I have been having. This was much better than my conversation with one of Dej's teachers last year about how Dej made her cry and told her that she was an ineffective teacher and should perhaps think about taking some classes on brain-based teaching methods. UGH!

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