Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Felis catus

Petey has been on his medication for a couple of weeks now. I don’t see any adverse affects from the meds, so at least that doesn’t seem to be a problem. I haven’t really seen any changes at all in him, but it takes 4-6 weeks, so I wouldn’t expect to see a big difference yet.

I’ve continued to spoil him and baby him with extra treats and private mommy time while he eats his dinner. I haven’t weighed him yet, but I know he is picking up some weight already. That makes me feel SO much better! We are keeping his private litterbox in the basement closet for him. He wasn’t previously allowed into that closet, but since he likes it so much and is now being spoiled, it’s his own private little fort, and he loves it!

I like <-- that photo, because it shows his adorable little black freckle on his bottom lip.

With the box and dinner being downstairs where the twins don’t really like to go, he doesn’t have to come up very often, so he’s not cowering around under furniture. I’m also very happy about that, because it was killing me to see him that way.

The twins continue to be little buttheads and pick on the boys—mostly, Ivan, Jasper, and Petey (when he’s around). Because of Oliver’s sweet unboy-like reaction to the twins, they don’t really pick at him. I wonder if Oliver would have always been that way or if it has something to do with his ‘sex-change’ operation a few years back (his penis had to be amputated and his urethra widened; it basically gave him girl equipment). Last week I came home to find Basil with a scratch on his nose. The next day I came home to find two more scratches on his nose. The day after that, Charlie had a scratch on his nose. Because the twins are declawed, I don’t know who they sparred with.

Even with full claws, though, the other cats are at a huge disadvantage with the twins because they are huge, strong, and work together. I feel really horrible and want to cry when I look at their scratched up little noses. Then I remind myself that they are 100% at fault—they are the instigators and the only ones who can end this crappy war they’ve started. I still clean up their little scratches and give their boo boos a kiss and baby them a little.

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