Monday, June 14, 2010


Saturday was, again, a marathon of cleaning/chores. It was also date night, which we kind of wasted yet again. He had worked that day, and I was burned out and tired from minimal sleep and maximum work. We just stayed home and watched a movie (Donnie Darko, which I have to watch again now), hung with the animals and chatted. One of these date nights, we will get enough energy to go do something fun again!

H was picked up on Saturday, shortly before date night, and we did not have him this Sunday. I feel pretty horrible about it, but I really felt that it was only fair to L. I feel so crappy about it, though, that I told him I would get him on Weds. after work, and he could stay until Sunday night if he wanted to. I know now that school is out, he is bored silly and getting depressed. Anyway, L was due to have a fun day with a girlfriend, and the time she gets with girls is so rare. H can sometimes have a hard time with other friends, particularly girls. He’s shy, and often perceives that he is left out when that is not the case. It’s hard for L to balance worrying about him and still have her fun girl time. We just decided we would take one Sunday for her to do her girl thing.

After her dance class, we met with some friends and went to the Green Owl. I’ve been there three times, ordered three different things from the menu, and have enjoyed all of them! lIf I had known they had vegan strawberry shortcake available for dessert, I would have eaten only half of my eggplant meatball sandwich. Our friend, Sorrel, has a daughter who is just a few months older than L. She’s a very smart, serious girl, and they seem to get along surprisingly well for two little girls with such strong personalities. They chattered through the meal.

Once we were all way too full, we left the Green Owl to go to Tropic Jewel on State St. I had some gift certificates for the store from the AFA silent auction last month. L and her friend, S., built their own necklaces there. They both decided to make a necklace, and picked out their beads, clasps, etc. It took them quite a while to pick out all of their supplies, as they each were very particular about every single bead. Once they had everything picked out it didn’t take them long to assemble their creations. They were pretty cute about the whole thing.

By that point in the evening, we were due to get back for critter chores. Everyone was ready for their dinner, the dogs were ready for their potty break, and the herbivores were ready for their cleaning/feeding/social time. We got home a little late to start out, but worked fast and caught up.

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