Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Chasing Mummies

<-- A mouse and a dragon L sculpted in her Awesome Artists class last week. She has many more creations from her College for Kids classes, but I haven't yet photo'd them. The basement has kept me far too busy to take many pics.

I went to work today but had enough of a headache that I didn’t make it to the Farmer’s Market. I feel pretty guilty about it, as I will have to get my (probably non-local) organic goodies from the grocery store. I had a really productive day at work but was itching to get back home to the basement cleaning the whole day!

For a change, the news I watched before work this morning contained some good news. Catalonia is outlawing the obscenely cruel bullfighting. This is on top of the country’s recent move in recognizing the rights of primates. On top of that good news, San Francisco is trying to pass legislation that prohibits selling animals in petshops. Holy hell, that’s awesome!

I also got to see our (Alliance for Animals’) Simply Vegan billboard on the beltline. I was so excited to see it featured so prominently! It’s gorgeous, and directs readers to our companion website, Our director, Lynn, did a fantastic job on the website. Check it out!

We have been trying everything possible to help with Chloe’s hip displaysia and arthritis without much luck until recently. My dad sent me a link for a product that he heard good things about: Flexpet. I looked into it, did my research and thought it sounded promising—more promising than the other supplements we had tried to no avail. I ordered some, and Chloe has been taking it for a little over a month. It has worked wonders! In addition to the fact that it definitely works, it’s a chewable tablet that dogs love. It’s a treat for Chloe, and when she hears the bottle open, she comes running (and she can run now)! I got the three-pack deal, so it was pretty cost-effective as far as supplements go anyway. I highly recommend this product for anyone with a dog starting to be troubled by aches, pains, and stiffness!

We’ve seen such a difference in Chloe that I started researching to see if there’s a human version of the same product. There is indeed, I ordered it, and it arrived in the mail today. I have very high hopes for it, and will update on how effective the human version is. M & I took our first dose with dinner tonight.

I have a new favorite tv show, which is cool, because there isn't currently anything on worth watching (notice I didn't say there isn't anything I watch--because I have indeed watched that which isn't worth watching *ahemRealHousewivesCoughCough*). Chasing Mummies was on the History Channel tonight keeping me company while I cleaned the herbivore room and washed dishes. I will not be missing an episode of this, including the new ep tonight at 9! It's an awesome show, and I'm quickly developing a crush on Dr. Hawass ("You do not deserve to work with me!)


Annalise Johnnie said...

I want to see your BASEMENT! I'm sure that it looks more amazing now, because you cleaned it. =) How did the whole cleaning project go? And you did it only by yourself? You're such a super woman! =D As for me, I let someone do the cleaning for me, because I really can't do it by myself. Hihi!

VeganMom said...

Thank you! I DO miss my cleaning lady, but don't miss the stress of worrying about whether she accidentally let one of my cats out. :)