Monday, July 12, 2010


Having almost six hours of sleep last night, versus the less than three I got the previous few nights, certainly improves the quality of my day—even a Monday! I’m trying to stay in a decent mood today, but since I know that my girl is leaving me on Thursday night for three days, I’m already feeling pretty bummed. I really don’t like when she is gone—particularly this time of year when I’m already husbandless! She will have fun staying with M’s parents and playing with her visiting NJ cousins. Her absence leaves a huge whole in our house, though! She’s the person I spend the most time with.

Our living room floor and stairwell are covered with L & H's cat town from this weekend. I'm feeling all sentimental and emotional about her leaving me, so I've left it up. It's comforting to see her stuff all over, so I'm thinking she will get a free pass on cleaning up until she returns from her visit in IL.

Of note in the herbivore room, Kealy and Darwin have constructed a lovely nest, made of hay, feathers, and shredded paper strips. It’s under one of the play cages in the room, and Kealy sits in the nest waiting for something to happen. That could be a problem since Kealy is a male lovebird and Darwin is a male cockatiel. Love knows no bounds, and I wish them the best. Soon enough, they will get bored with guarding their little nest with imaginary eggs and go back to just being a child-free party couple.

Here's L cuddling with Oona & Luna (the mommy/baby pair, though the baby is now bigger than her mommy!) tonight during our herbivore hang out time. Vivi & Jolsie and Pansy & Blossom are enjoying tonights greens.

Petey continues to put weight on and do well. As soon as he starts doing naughty things again, I will start to try to taper him off the meds, and see if he can maintain mental health without them.

The most important part of this entry, though, is sharing my new favorite website. I think you’ll be as excited as I am about it! Kiva allows you to provide business loans (from $25 to whatever amount you can afford) to people in third-world countries who are trying to break the hold of poverty. It’s an amazing way to reach out and directly help those who want a shot at “the good life” (you know, things like food and perhaps some shelter for their families). It’s my new hobby, and I only wish I could help every single applicant on the site! Since I can’t, I figure telling everyone I know about it is the next best thing. Have fun and make a difference!!! Service work and giving to others is the best cure for depression! (WARNING: You may find this addictive!)

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