Sunday, February 27, 2011


We took a weekend off from the protests. While I kind of felt guilty and bummed about missing it, we were due for some time home with each other and the animals. I've been gone so much lately it feels like I pop in, change clothes, give kisses, then leave again.

As I've been sleeping so little and so poorly lately, I've really appreciated that I finally found a product that works somewhat for for the very dark circles under my eyes. I always have them. I haven't found anything that takes them away or minimizes them, but the Erase Paste covers them well. I hesitated initially, because the price seemed a bit ridiculous for makeup. I finally gave in after several frustrating days where I applied several different products together to find even layered, they still did very little to conceal the black circles. Now that I've been using the Erase Paste, I can see how inexpensive it is per use. That little jar contains a ton, and it takes very little to cover. It will last me forever.

Now I can get rid of the other products I've been trying to work with. These pictured are only the current stockpile, which doesn't include the many others I've tried in the past and used up or given up on and tossed out. I have tried so many other things over the last 25 years! Nothing has come close to Eraser Paste. It mskes me very happy!

We had a horrible, horrible scare last night! We tucked L in for the night after watching a family movie (H was at his Grandma's) and were doing our very exciting Saturday night activity--side-by-side surfing and chatting. It was around 9:45, and we heard a loud stomping. I told M it was nice to hear her practicing dance, as she hadn't been very good about practice over the last couple of weeks and has a performance coming up in March. We tuned it out and went back to our surfing. About five minutes later, we heard a VERY LOUD thumping--way too loud for dance practice. M went running upstairs to check out the noise. He quickly came back down to tell me what happened and to send me up to L's room.

She was in her room, shaking from head to toe, sobbing, and very pale. She had not been practicing dance at all. She was cleaning/reorganizing her room, and was just finishing up. She was trying to straighten a hutch that is on her dresser. It sits on it very securely (unless it's shoved too far over) but was not attached. It slid off the edge, and she tried to catch it. Many large items fell off, hitting her. She was stomping for help, as she couldn't get it back up but couldn't hold it much longer. We heard her last and most desparate stomps, which were finally louder than dance-practice-volume stomping. She was very emotional and sore, and it took quite a long time of cuddles and a couple of hours to calm her back down so she could finally sleep.

We were pretty shaken up afterward. It was such a horrible thing for her to go through, and it could have turned out much worse. :( Today her muscles are sore, she has a nasty bruise and cut on her shoulder, a bruise and lump on her head, and several more little bruises and scratches--poor little thing. We also established a distress pattern for any future emergency stomping or banging, so it's immediately clear to us that it's not dance. We're going to attache the hutch to the dresser too.

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