Friday, February 04, 2011

Good and Evil and whining

Luce's newest creation, called Good and Evil.

I've spent my Friday, which would have been a great day, sick. I've been awake coughing since 2:30 last night (this morning?) and feel like death. I can't stop coughing, and it's at the point that it's agonizing. Every single part of my body is in pain. I might be dying. Or it might just be the same virus Dej was dying from early this week. She called me at 9 one night, crying that she was sick and wanted to come home, so of course I told her to come so I could baby her. I knew that would probably end up unleashing what she had, but it's not like I would ever deny my child to protect my health. Now I really wish I would have bathed in Purell while she was here convalescing.

So I had to cancel two bright spots in my week--my standing Friday lunch date and a massage. That was a tough call to make, because I've really looked forward to this. Plus, every square inch of soft tissue on my body hurts so badly, that I think a massage would have been great. I couldn't even mentally get through the process of getting dressed and driving there, let alone the obnoxious non-stop hacking cough. I may end up with six-pack abs by the time this is done. I'm hoping it's the flu and not just a virus, as no virus should be this horrible.

I've been awake for so long, and tv has absolutely sucked. I'm running out of things to do, and I'm getting crabby. Though it hurts my hands to type, I've gotten bored enough at this point that typing (whining) despite the pain is preferable to staring at my wall.

If I could manage to muster the energy to go down two flights of stairs, I could probably pass several more hours watching Bollywood movies (my latest addiction) on the Roku. I'm not up to that yet, though, and the kids will most likely be camped out down there for the night. They have great plans of building snow forts and tunnels this evening with the remaining daylight. L has been anxiously awaiting H's Friday after-school arrival, because it's just not fun to build snow forts and tunnels alone.

The two will start their Lego Mindstorms programming class tomorrow morning at UW Rock. They are very excited about it, but I may be more excited. I have long been planning to enroll them in this super fun and educational class, because they will definitely enjoy it and be good at it. (Plus if they love it enough, it give me an excuse to buy them the Lego Mindstorms robot I've always wanted). The class is every Saturday morning for the month of Feb.

The blizzard has kept me working from home this week, which has been great. I'm actually much more productive at home, because there are fewer distractions and irritants. I LOVE working with my animals around me. I'm always at my happiest and best around animals, and this helps my productivity. I don't have to type one-handed for 30-60 minutes at lunchtime to avoid the stench of flesh as various corpse-munching coworkers heat up their bits of flesh. That smell really, really disgusts me and often makes me queasy. I've started eating my lunch later and later to avoid the smell while I'm trying to eat, so it's been quite a treat not to have to deal with that. I've had so much work and not nearly enough time to keep up lately, so the productivity increase this week really helped me to feel caught up again.

My Tuesday night class was cancelled due to the blizzard, but Thurs. night was a go. I have another new group of awesome students and am enjoying getting to know them and how their brains work. This time of year especially, it's hard for me to drag myself out into the cold, dark night to go to class. Once I get over that hurdle, though, I LOVE it. I truly love teaching, which I guess is a very good thing for my college students and my homeschooled child. I have a reserve of unlimited patience that is nearly effortless for me in my teaching role. I can't figure out why patience comes so easily to me in that respect but not any other area in my life. Someday I will figure it out and transfer that patience to the rest of my life. Maybe.

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