Friday, November 04, 2011

Baby's fifth day

I took her away from her parents for a couple of hours this afternoon to let her crop empty out.  It also gave her poor, thin parents a chance to take a break and fly around.  They spent most of their free time eating.  This allowed them to digest a little more of their intake, rather than just giving it back to baby.

Baby was very demanding during the time I had her with me. She demanded food and took short naps, and that's normal. They basically sleep, eat, or beg for food. They are growing so rapidly and will eat themselves to death if given the option! That's why baby is spending a few non-eating hours with me every day now.

None of the other eggs have hatched, and their incubation time is up.  We will remove the eggs tomorrow, so the parents have less to worry about and tend to.

It's time to come up with a name for baby, because she seems to be thriving, and I'm feeling more optimistic about her surviving.  Also, the girls are demanding it.  They each have names picked out (none of which thrill me), so there will be some negotiating over the next few days until we all agree on something.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

How about naming "her" Oopsies?
