Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Happy little ratty boys

The ratty boys' permanent cage arrived this week.  The friend from whom we were borrowing their temporary cage had an unexpected opportunity to take in two abandoned rats, so they will  be  living in a rat mansion too, when we get the cage back to her.  She will then hook it back up to the other large cage she has for them.

L did a good job researching cages to find the biggest and safest one available.  She also managed to find one at a pretty good price AND on sale!  That's my girl.  She wanted a luxury home for them, so she generously offered to forego presents this Christmas and her upcoming birthday.  I don't plan to take her up on that, but I appreciated her offer.

They absolutely LOVE it.  They have already explored each of the levels, and really like running up and down the ramps.  They are just adorable!

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