Sunday, November 25, 2012

Bunny Bandit

The rabbits, especially Fiona, love to eat the guinea pig food whenever possible.  I'm not sure why she finds it so exciting, because it's just pellets and looks almost identical to the rabbit pellets she gets.  It's quite a treat for Fiona and Fergus when they are able to score some though.

L inadvertently left the guinea pig food drawer open one night last week.  When I came in the next afternoon for afternoon chores and feeding, Fiona was sitting in the drawer of food.  She was quite relaxed and was leisurely alternating between a nibble of food and thinking about whatever it is that rabbits think about while in the commission of a crime.

She was so cute in the drawer that I had to run out and grab my camera and snap some pics before I said "Fi-o-na" in my angry-mommy voice.  She is a smart rabbit and as soon as she hears her name in that tone, she seems to know whatever it is that she's doing wrong and instantly stop.  She jumped right out of the drawer, I closed it, and thought that was the end of it.

It was not the end.  L went in the next day to do her chores and there was Fiona, happy as could be in her little drawer again.  A quick examination made it obvious that Fiona had learned how to open the drawer on her own.  We could see the teeth marks along the edge of the drawer from all of her failed efforts.  As cute as it is, I can't leave it go, because I know it's not healthy for rabbits to eat that much guinea pig food.

We rearranged their room a bit, so she can no longer get at the drawer.  For now.  I do not put anything past that rabbit.

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