Sunday, July 26, 2020

Happy birthday, Dej.

Today we had a gathering for Dej's 30th birthday (which was really yesterday), but she wanted to spend the day cooking.  She brought me donuts that she made--so good!  She's such a talented cook/baker. 

Bea insisted on sitting on Dej's lap, despite the heat.

I made our traditional birthday dessert.  The rest of the world calls it peanut butter cup pie, but we call it "Douche Pie".  Many years ago, I made it for Dej's birthday, and Luce offered to decorate it for me.  When I put the candle on it, I found that she had written "Happy Birthday Douche" on it.  Since then, everyone has called it douche pie.  We were pretty worried about the weather, as it was supposed to be over 90 with potential thunderstorms. 

I have only seen my parents and daughter a small handful of times since March, and only outside with a safe distance.  It's been really challenging.  We met outside today in the intense heat with Dej, Chris, and my parents, and stayed in the shade, which helped a bit. It was a very pleasant visit.  While we were outside, a hummingbird visited a couple of times, the wren parents were busy taking care of their babies in the bird house, we had some monarch visitors, and the garden was a nice backdrop.

I sent back douche pie with Dej & Chris, and she left some donuts for me.  It was a really nice day.

After everyone left, Mark and I did our evening workout--yoga tonight.  One of the "gifts" of the COVID lockdown has been Mark's commitment to working out with me every night.  I've tried to get him to join me for years, and finally, in early April, he started joining my workouts, and it's been great!  Tonight we did Strengthen & Lengthen--one of hundreds of free, quality classes at  We do two or three classes a week through DYWM, and they're all excellent!

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