Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The garden is in it's awkward phase right now.  A couple of weeks ago, it was a glorious profusion of lilies and poppies.  Now, there are a handful of things blooming, but it will be a couple of weeks before it is gorgeous again.  This is the point where we really enjoy the foliage and combinations of leaf color and texture.

We have gotten lots of green beans and eggplants already, and the tomatoes, peppers, and chilies are coming soon.  Tonight's dinner was all from the garden--eggplant curry and red swan beans.

I love all of the trees we've planted, but Twisty Baby (locust) is my favorite.  I love this tree with a passion.  We had a broken water main lateral that needed to be replaced last year, and they weren't sure twisty baby would survive the process.  They had to dig the soil out from around it, remove the old pipe, put in a new pipe, and it's a lot of trauma for the roots.  Then the new pipe blew out and flooded the area, because they turned the pressure up too quickly, so they had to do it all again.  This year, Twisty Baby seems okay, and I'm so relieved.  It's a beautiful strong tree, with a gorgeous shape.  It's a contorted locust, so the branches and leaves are both "twisty".  She was only supposed to be 15 feet tall, but you can see she exceeds that by quite a bit!

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