Friday, July 31, 2020

Sidewalk Chalk

It was a glorious day to spend outside weeding!  I took a chunk out of the jungle of weeds in our front garden today, and it couldn't have been nicer out.  I also harvested enough sungold tomatoes (in the back garden) to make on of our favorites--Mac & Cheese.  As I was preparing dinner, my friend Julie dropped off a few ears of corn on the cob, so I roasted those up for dinner, too.  The corn was fantastic, and we enjoyed a great meal tonight!

Luciana has been doing a little more art lately, as her lockdown boredom is reaching peak levels.  She's even started doing sidewalk chalking again.  She also ordered a book series that she used to love as a youngster (from Ebay) that she gave away years ago, but has been revisiting her past.  She is planning to reread the series (Fairy Realm) as well as one of her favorite books written by a friend of ours (Rick Bogle), called Vegan Nation.  She loved that book when she was younger but I loaned it out and never got it back (the fate of about 50% of my books).  Our friend Rick was generous enough to send another copy of it, which arrived today, so she was really thrilled to have a stack of books to read.

For some reason, Silas' poop schedule has been off today, which has resulted in a day full of nasty messes and cleaning.  I'm not happy with this at all. I really hope he returns to his normal schedule tomorrow, so I don't feel like I've spent the whole day cleaning up poop messes.  On a more positive note, he continues to improve his leash walking skills.  He really likes his walks and is making lots of new friends in the neighborhood.  He's a very social boy and likes everyone. He's very gentle with kids, so he seems to pick up new friends every day that we go out.

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