Thursday, November 29, 2007

Too tired to type much!

Luciana is sleeping and seems to be back to normal. It was a long night, with her vomitting (or dry heaving for the last half) every 20-30 minutes until around 5:00 this morning. I'm not feeling well tonight--headache, cramps, and exhausted from being up all night. I'm hoping that's it and I'm not coming down with whatever she had.

Here are some pictures of Lila's latest hobby. She discovered that, from the highest spot on the cat tree, she can jump into the decorative bird cage that hangs in the corner of the dining room. She climbs right into it and while the cage swings wildly, she tries to pull and shred the florals inside of it. I worked hard to get the arrangement in that cage just the way I wanted it. It no longer resembles the lovely floral decoration it was supposed to be. It's now a cat toy. I guess I might as well just resign myself to the fact that EVERYTHING I own is ultimately just a cat toy! There's no winning with a cat. If they decide something is fun to play with/destroy, my choices are to remove it or just let them have at it. So, here's Lila, just having at it.

1 comment :

Smirking Cat said...

"There's no winning with a cat"...amen to that. I have 3, and flowers, plants, decorations, curtains, and other things have ultimately become cat toys! Pretty much it's the cats' house, and they let me live there :)