Sunday, May 02, 2010


We took the kids to the UW-Arboretum today after dance class, or the aboratorium, as Hunter calls it. It was such a nice day, and we were able to catch the very tail-end of the magnolias blooming. The crabs and lilacs were going strong. Our backyard lilacs are blooming now, too, and I haven't yet had the chance to spend time in the backyard enjoying the wonderful smell.

The kids were so happy to have the time and space to just run and enjoy the trees. They were going from one tree to another, trying to climb each of them. Several times, the kids called me over to take some shots of them, posing in the trees. They were cracking me up with that--"Here mom, take a shot of me here." "Amy, take a shot of me jumping from the tree."

When we got back home, the kids played outside while I made lasagna for dinner. They played outside until H's dad arrived to take him home for the night.

Last night was date night. I woke up yesterday morning at 4:00 am with a screaming migraine. I was in absolute agony! I muddled through the day, taking Imitrex & Excedrin, amassing about three days' worth in a period of 12 hours. I had to get chores done (the animals won't clean and feed themselves!) and we had date night, and I knew M had made plans already.

By the time we got ready to go, the migraine had scaled back to a headache, and I was a little shaky and queasy from the drugs--still better off than I was, though. I put on a lot of makeup in an effort to look less dead. I left the house hoping that M's plans for the night did not involve music.

He wanted to go to a new Mexican restaurant (neither of us can remember the name of it, though) in the old Chi Chi's (which I still miss!) We got in with no wait and really liked the decor. The walls, seats, tables, etc. were handpainted in bright, vivid colors and gorgeous! There was a chair with a pink cockatoo on it that was to die for. It was a little odd, as the 'pink cockatoo' is native to only Australia, but it was pretty.

We got right in and placed our orders fairly quickly. We were enjoying our beverages (M had a mango margarita that was delicious!!). We've been SO busy that we've had very little time to chat and catch up. We were deep in conversation, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw something that stopped me cold. A man was walking into the dining area, and that man was carrying a guitar.

He started to play the guitar. Then he began singing. La Bamba. Loudly. Really loudly. Oh my hell my head started pulsing and throbbing again. He got louder. He finished the song, and as I feared, he started another and another. They were all loud. He started walking around to tables. We had to lean over across the table and shout to hear one another. So much for our conversation--one of the things that is really important to us on our date nights! I was trying to rub my temples, and also took another round of imitrex. I asked M if he would just go tell our server to put our food in a box to go, and we could eat it in the car. I was in pain, and I was really pissed off. I felt that had we wanted a LOUD musical performance, we would have purchased fucking tickets for one! M wouldn't go tell the server but wanted to just eat as quickly as possible and get out of there.

I don't think we were alone in our feelings, because the people at the other tables had similar pissed off expressions, as they shouted their conversations to one another. I was just dreading him standing next to our table. He was traveling all over the restaurant. OMF It was so wrong! The food arrived. It was very meh. The beans were okay, if unmemorable. The "salsa" on top of the burritos was quite thin and tasted like salty tomato juice. I ate half of mine in the time he ate significantly more of his. ;) We got our box and got the hell out of there. We made it before he meandered over to our table to assault us at close range. We agreed that we don't need to visit that restaurant again.

We left there and got into our quiet car, where we were able to resume our chatting. We went to hear a swing band at the Edgerton Performing Arts Center. We also agreed that it was good but one of the loudest performances we had ever attended. Our ears were still ringing when we arrived at our car after a long walk from the EPAC. I hit another round of drugs in the car. It was a long, painful night. We can laugh about it today and for years to come, though. Plus he felt a little bad for me after we got home last night, and he was extra sweet and solicitous. :)

We saw this tree and I fell in love. I need to get it for our yard!

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