Friday, May 21, 2010

What they died for

Nothing, in my opinion. I'm all for dying for something. I just don't feel convinced yet that the characters who died, were sacrificed for anything worthwhile.

I'm STILL liking Flocke so much more than Jacob! [strange interjection...I typed the sentence before, then moved with my computer to a different location. I don't proofread my blog entries EVER (or they would never get posted), but read the last sentence to see where I left off. So instead of sentence you just read, I had the word "licking" instead of "liking". Freudian? ;) ] There was a lot of Ben, Locke/Flocke, and Hurley time this ep., so I was pretty happy. I could only have been happier if they threw in more shirtless Sawyer time! I LOVE Ben, Alex, and Danielle, in the sideways flash! I also have to say Hurley was looking pretty debonair and hot in the sideways. I am a sucker for the long, curly hair. The European-flair to his clothing, the made for a yummy combination. [or maybe I need to cut back on my bioidentical testosterone. ;P ]

I have to admit that part of me wants to see LOST end with our main characters finding happiness and some sort of personal redemption. The other part of me thinks the only happy ending, realistically, would be if the island was destroyed, taking all human life with it. The end. Truly the end. The biggest part of me thinks that's the only way the Earth and the rest of the beautiful creatures will ever be safe and happy. So, I'm voting for total annihilation--the end of suffering and therefore, a happy ending.

I have my semester grades entered and now will be using that time to catch up on and finish household projects that really need to be done! My headaches have been horrible again lately, and I am definitely more prone to falling into despair when I've had a headache for days and haven't slept. Still have a nasty, horrible headache today, but I've had enough drugs that I'm not nauseated at the moment. They won't take the headache away, but it's much easier to handle when I don't feel like I'm going to vomit from pain every time I move.

Weds. night L & I made a fairy house. She had asked me to do it Tuesday, but we didn't have time, so I promised we would do it Weds. I told her we could do it Weds. night after dinner/dishes and before we had to start our nightly herbivore room duties. It ended up being a "twofer" for me. She wanted to string vines around the one of the old metal decorative birdcage that I keep in the garden. I looked around and saw an endless supply of bindweed that needed to be pulled. I got to get some weeding done while working on our project, and that made me feel much better. She had the vision for the fairy house, so she kind of gave orders that I followed.

Once she felt that the fairy house was complete, she made furniture for the inside. Then she hid it in the garden and used rocks that she had gathered to make a path to the door. She also found a small piece of flagstone (that I hope she didn't pull from our flagstone patio but don't even want to know at this point) to use as a porch.

The weather was beautiful, and we had a nice time enjoying nature!

L has a new favorite story--"the woodchip story". She has ordered me to share it on my blog, because it makes her laugh really hard. We had the dogs out running around in the yard with us while we were working on our building project. I heard some really loud crunching, coming of course from Daisy (it's always Daisy). It sounded like she was chewing on a rock, but I saw that she was in the wood chipped area around L's swing and slide playset. I was concerned that chewing on the wood chips would damage her teeth or give her slivers, so I called her over. She came running, with the woodchip still in her mouth. She was trying to hide it, holding her mouth as closed as she could. It was too big to allow it to close all the way, though, so she was busted.

I reached into her mouth and gently removed the woodchip she was trying to hide. I was in the midst of talking to L, while doing this. Daisy tried to snatch it back from my hand, but I was too fast for her, quickly closing my fist around it. I then looked at it, for some reason, before throwing it back to the playset area where it belonged. I then saw it. It was slightly wet from being slathered around in Daisy's mouth, and even had some little tooth marks in it. It was not, however, a woodchip. And that's the point at which I yelled, "Eeeww, it is so NOT a woodchip!" L was doubled over laughing at me. I then quickly threw the turd with all my might as far away from me as I could get it. I have issues with poop, and can easily vomit at the though or smell of it. Daisy, just as quickly, trotted over to the tossed turd, picked it back up, and pranced away with it. I just pretended not to see it and continued on with the fairy house building (after a thorough hand washing).

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