Sunday, October 17, 2010

First dress rehearsal

M finally made it home from his week in NY/NJ. It was a very rough week, as it always is when he travels. It's more work than I can handle, and the dogs are always particularly naughty when he's gone. He's been mostly sleeping, doing chores, or blogging since he's been back, though he did find time to run to work yesterday. :-P Maybe this week he will be all caught up and things can get back to normal.

L's dance continues to take up a huge chunk of time as we get closer to the performance and are working on costumes and making sure we have everything we need. Crazy! I can't begin to tell you how difficult and stressful these costumes are. They are even tricky for the Indian moms--just imagine how lost I am! We have two huge rectangles of white cloth (in this case, a veshti and a dhotti) that need to be folded, wrapped, pleated and tucked to make these elaborate costumes that will stay on through the rigorous dancing. I have to go buy some "rope", which is black and more similar in diameter to a thick shoelace than what we call a rope. I have to find a place to get some of that. It will all be over Nov. 7. And it will all be worth it.

When I asked her to let me take a quick photo of her costumes details today at dress rehearsal so I could get it right in the future, I got this lovely attitude. She was completely pleasant today other than that two-minute period.

And for the record, a side bun, with hair parted in the middle is a complete PITA to do! It's nearly impossible. It's the hairstyle all the girls are required to wear. Next time L will have to wear the full hair jewelry (as seen on Shreya in the background) with it, and that will be another challenge.

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