Saturday, October 09, 2010

From now until L's performance in November, we have at least one three-hour rehearsal every single weekend. Add the nearly two-hour round-trip drive on, and there goes the majority of the day!

L just informed me on the way home from yesterdays three-hr rehearsal that she would like to "trade" her gymnastics for an extra dance class. She said she likes dance better and would really rather have more dance instead. Gymnastics is five minutes away. Dance is so much farther! M & I have been discussing it since yesterday, but still haven't come to a conclusion.
After another painful and scary urinary blockage, Jasper had to spend Thursday night in the hospital. We decided after much thought and discussion to have the PU surgery (the same one Oliver had a few years ago), because without the surgery, he would continue to have these problems in the future. Every blockage has the potential to be fatal if not caught immediately, so rather than wait to try to catch the next blockage in time and do it then, we just opted to get it done. It's an extremely delicate surgery, basically removing most of the penis and widening the remainder so that it's unlikely to become blocked. It's also extremely expensive. Extremely! It will take us many months to recover from this expense, but it was so very worth it to have Jasper safe and healthy!

We went to visit him in the hospital on Friday night, and though he was heavily drugged, he was still happy to see us. Dej came to see him as well. She had to bring Tillie and Allastair in for their annual shots, so we all went together.

Tillie & Allastair came over after their appointment for a play date with their brothers, Basil & Charlie. We were curious to see how they would react to their siblings after a year of separation. The four cats, L, Dej & Luke, and I all piled into the cat room to see what would happen. There was a lot of sniffing and exploring the room. While they didn't run up and hug each other, they also didn't react like they would if put into a room with two completely strange cats. There were no fights or ugly cat noises, with the exception of a couple of small hisses in response to over-vigorous sniffing. I didn't get any great pics, though, as none of them held still long enough to get a decent shot.

It was a peaceful reunion but we are still uncertain as to what, if anything, they remembered about one another. Next Friday we are going to bring Basil & Charlie over to Dej's, to give them another chance to visit their siblings. More importantly, we are excited to see how they all respond to the reunion with their mommy, Sparta.

Though the vet normally would have kept Jaspy hospitalized over the weekend, he let me take him home on Saturday. He's known me long enough to know that my neurotic obsession with my animals' health would ensure that he would receive better care at home with me than in a cage there. He was SO happy to see M & H, who picked him up while I was at dance rehearsal with L.

Now he's home with his e-collar (conehead), and he is miserable in it. He has to be kept very quiet and inactive, so when I'm not able to directly watch him, he has to be locked in the cat room upstiars, which makes him extremely unhappy. It's the only safe choice, though, so we're stuck with it for now.

I put him away last night at around 2, because I can't really watch him while I sleep. He spent the night crying, and flinging himself against the door. I didn't sleep well and I felt very guilty for sleeping at all while he was so unhappy. This is going to be a LOOOONG ten days of recovery! I really wish there were another option.

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