Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Finally! I got a super quick and easy one on Friday. It's on my left forearm and doesn't require much explanation. My big pretty ones are still in the works and will be coming when Allegrea gets them drawn up. Like the rest of us, she's very short on time, so it could be a while. I always planned to get the word, "Liberate", and am heavily contemplating getting "Vindicate" on my other arm. Still thinking on that one, though.

Additionally, I have to vent. I've been extremely irritated lately by a series of idiotic phrases that I can't seem to get away from! I would like to ban the following stupid phrases, which are cluttering up Internet discussions and conversations everywhere and more importantly they have begun to irritate the piss out of me.

Just Sayin’- (Thanks for clearing that up for me moron. I though perhaps you were acting it out.) The subtext of this is that you're saying something offensive and don’t want to be held accountable for it.

It is what it is - (Without your deep, philosophical ponderings, I wouldn’t have been able to figure that one out, because…you know…sometimes it is what it isn’t?) What does this add to the topic? Five syllables wasted to state the fucking obvious. Don’t waste my time.

IMO / IMHO - (I thought perhaps you were stating someone else’s opinion until you blazed out that little acronym for me.) If it’s not a fact, and it’s not cited, it’s your bloody opinion by definition. I made it through high school and am fairly adept at distinguishing between facts and opinions. **Oops...ETA this is in regard to people who use this constantly, not every now and then. :)

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