Sunday, October 24, 2010


We had a great family weekend and are currently watching Gremlins for our Sunday family movie. L has never seen it, so M decided it was time. I wanted a Gremlin (Gizmo, the good one) so badly when this movie came out. I still do.

Dej, Luke, and I went to see Paranormal Activity 2 last night. We really enjoyed the movie, but not so much the crowd (young, rude, and loud). I think we'll avoid a late Sat. night showing in the future--at least in town here.

Dej took this pic of my cute little snuggle bunnies, Petey and Jezebel, with her phone. I never have my camera close at hand when they snuggle up so adorably. Of course if I got up and walked upstairs to get it, they would have to be nosy and follow me, so I miss so many good pics. Fortunately, Dej was here and snapped a quick shot for me.

Jasper is scheduled to get his stitches out tomorrow, though I'm not convinced that it's healed enough for them to come out. Petey is urinating blood, so I think he has stones or crystals. I'll have to get him in tomorrow for tests. It's always something.

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