Monday, June 13, 2011

Fun Foliage

We finally made it back to the roller rink Thurs. night. My girlfriend wasn’t able to join us, as her younger son broke his little arm (poor guy fell off the monkey bars at school!) the day before, and he needed his mommy home with him. This time, H joined us.

I set off with L and the two boys in the backseat, while I played chauffeur. It was a very interesting drive! The kids get along well together, and they were all silly and giggly. They were very entertaining. I was incredibly tired and going on around 2 hours of sleep, so I was a bit concerned about staying alert for the drive—especially the drive home. The kids were so loud and so entertaining, that I remained very alert (and laughing) for both trips. We saw a deer in the road on the way there and a raccoon in the road on the way back. Fortunately I am always obsessively scanning for creatures in or approaching the road, so we had plenty of time to slow way down and watch them safely cross.

Logan skated like a hockey player again, and he did very well, even participating in the limbo and the race. Hunter learned how to skate in school, so he was fairly proficient on his skates. He had a couple of minor falls but wasn’t slowed down at all. The boys seem to prefer solitary skating for the most part. They would ‘pop by’ and join us for a round or so and then go back to skating around on their own. Skating is a much more solitary sport for boys than girls. I observed the other kids there and noticed that the girls typically skated in pairs or groups—often holding hands. The boys typically skated on their own or chased one another.

L was much better on her wheels this time around. She had a couple of minor falls throughout the night, but was more confident and stable by far. She insisted on holding my hand most of the night but did end up taking 3 or 4 rounds by herself. I loved holding her hand and spending the time with her, but I have to admit that when the few good songs they played came on (Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas—since they don’t play Prince or Death Metal, that’s the best I could hope for) I really wanted to ditch her and go fast and have fun. I felt guilty for fantasizing about that though. ;) I know the days of her holding my hand for hours while we skate and talk will be gone very soon, and I will have plenty of time then to skate as fast as I would like and dance around however I would like. I am still trying to erase the pain of having to skate to anything by Justin Beiber. His music is just god awful and inexcusable! I stayed upright the whole night (thank goodness, as my knee is still a bit touchy from the previous trip’s fall), so I returned home feeling much better this time.

The kids informed me when we left (at closing time) that they were DYING of thirst, so we stopped at a drive through to get everyone a caffeine-free soda or juice. We dropped Logan off at home and then headed back to our house. I think we were all pretty tired out by then!

L & H played outside much of the weekend. I love that they can still happily pass an entire day outside in the yard

Date Night Saturday: Chautura (YUMMMY!!!) and to the Overture to see Bach, Dynamite and Dancing performance (music was great, except for the first piece which was meh; vocalists were great; plot/lyrics were not the greatest). I dressed up (white skinnies and this butterfly blouse, which I love), and my lovely daughter looked at me and proclaimed that I looked like I was pooping butterflies. (disclaimer: This is the same blouse on a model, definitely not me!) She's great at making me feel pretty like that.

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