Sunday, June 05, 2011

OC time

If you look between the weeds, our peonies are beautiful, and the roses are starting to bloom. I took a few shots quickly today--not the best due to the bright, full sun, but at least I got them. I totally missed the lilacs and the alliums, which were stunning. The whole front yard was full of giant purple balls, and everyday that I drove up to the house, I would be struck with how beautiful it was and think that I needed to get a picture. I never got the picture, and now they're gone until next year

The cat room and the hall are all put back together. It went so much more smoothly (thanks in large part to all the help from my dad) than I had imagined. L is still working on reassembling her room. She still has overflow in the living room and the upstairs bathroom. I'm kind of tired of looking at the big storage containers, so I am hoping she moves through the rest of her cleanup quickly.

I am SO happy with how the floors turned out. I absolutely LOVE them. Sometimes I just sit and look at the floors. It make my still-carpeted bedroom look so much more repulsive than before.

Carrie yakked up a big pile of liquid and catnip in the middle of the catroom floor this morning. It was so easy to cleanup, and so quick that I didn't even have time to mutter obscenities about it.

I go back to work tomorrow :( and I'm not at all happy about having to get up early again. I will also miss the live coverage of the Casey Anthony trial, which I was able to watch last week while doing the house projects. I'll be starting on a project that I'm really looking forward to (data warehouse stuff--YES!!), so hopefully that will keep me from missing the live trial coverage too badly.

As I walked through the dining room with my camera, I noticed all four shelves on the cat climber in use. (from top: Mimosa, Basil, Charlie, and Jasper)

I also noticed that M had the recycling staged and ready to take outside. It can only be taken outside early Monday morning (recycle day), because he doesn't like it to get too wet or nasty. He takes pride--a great deal of pride--in how nice he makes the recycling look when he packs it up for pickup. He's pretty certain that our recycling pickup crew talks about and looks forward to his tidy work. They must just weep on the weeks that he travels and I put it out on a Sunday night, all haphazardly stuffed into the bin. It's a good thing he isn't around to feel the shame of my very untidy recycle bin preparations!

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