Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Today was just unpleasant! Didn't sleep last night because of rotten headache. Hit horrible traffic both to and from work. We had dinner at my mom's--kind of an eat and run thing. Mark had to teach a Master Gardener class, and I had to introduce the speaker (Mike) at my AAUW meeting. I took Luciana to the meeting with me. She worked on art quietly, while Mike spoke about trees. It wasn't the most fun, but I enjoy the topic, and at least I got a little time with my girl today. Dejanique wanted to go someplace (?) with Kelley tonight, but since she went to a friend's last night and has plans tomorrow night, I didn't think tonight's plans were necessary. In what world do kids get to do social stuff every night during the school week?! I'm finally home and have the little one in bed, and it feels like I've been running all day. The headache is still with me--a true friend.

I still haven't found a home for the little girl kitty, and I'm afraid I will end up with it. I am continuously amazed by how many people have so much time and so much space, yet refuse to share it with those in need. I can't imagine having a spare inch of room and not sharing it with a being (person or animal) who is in need. It's really hard to not get pissed off with the selfishness of the general population. I guess that's why the few people I really consider friends are as crowded and financially strapped as we are! I don't respect the selfish masses.

Allegrea called with a potential baby-bird problem. It's pretty early for birds to be fledging already, but I suppose the sparrows & finches (she thinks it is one of those) could be at that point. It's sitting fairly safely on her fence for tonight, but she will continue to watch. If it doesn't move after the sun comes up tomorrow, it might be time for an intervention. It's probably going to turn out fine, but I will worry about it until I get good news from her tomorrow :(

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