Monday, April 30, 2007

Not bad, for a Monday

We had beautiful weather again today, and that always helps my mood significantly. I had a pretty good class this morning (not sure my students would agree, as Access freaks them out), and got a parking place when I got to work in Madison. The workday wasn't too bad, except that I had a meeting (BLECH!)--at least it was only 40 minutes long. I made spaghetti for dinner, and that's one of the few meals that nobody complains about or picks at. And, best of all, we remembered Luciana's theater class this week. She had fun but told me that she didn't like when she had to be a witch, because she didn't know what to do. That led us into a long talk about wiccans and the witch/female persecution a few hundred years ago.

I ran into an old friend, that I had lost contact with, at Luciana's theater. Her daughter is in the class with Luciana. I was planning to sit in the waiting area and read The Secret, but Maria and I sat and talked through the whole class. We haven't seen each other for 5-6 years, so we had a lot of catching up to do. We exchanged cell numbers and will most likely see each other for the next three Mondays (the duration of this class). I'm looking forward to being back in contact with another hippie, attachment parenting freak :)

When we returned from class, we had a little time to sit outside and enjoy the last of the nice day. Luciana likes to run across the yard as fast as she can and have Mark score her running. Of course the whole time we sit on the patio, the cats sit in the dining room window, watching us, and making these pathetic, loud MEOOOOOOWs to remind us that they would like to be outside. I swear they love to make me feel bad.

Dej was excited that she got her first job interview today. She will interview this Wednesday afternoon. We will have to squeeze in a quick shopping trip tomorrow night, as she doesn't have any clothes that are suitable for an interview. We will also have to work on some practice interview questions.

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