Monday, August 27, 2007

Allegrea placed a cat in urgent need of a home with the sweetest old couple a couple of weeks ago. They seemed so concerned to learn all they could and care well for the cat. Now, less than two weeks later, they said they can't keep the cat--she needs to be out ASAP. They have her locked in a laundry room. They can't keep her, this poor tiny abused 1.5 year old cat, because--wait for it: she jumps on the counter and she plays with things all the time. Yep. So much for the "sweet" old couple. I deeply hope they are treated with the same compassion and understanding when they are alone, frightened, and completely dependent on others. Seriously. How long can one do animal rescue/re-homing without hating people?! I will not make or foster any friendships outside of the AR community ever again. People are selfish, speciesist asses.

I was able to get a little weeding time in this weekend--finally a bit of dry weather! I cleared out the massive quanities of weeds that have flourished in the front yard with all the rain and heat we've had for the past month or so. That's always a good feeling, even the soreness I feel today from heavy-duty gardening is a good soreness.

Tomorrow is our anniversary. We celebrated Saturday night by going out for dinner. We were going to go to a movie but didn't feel up to the crowds or to paying the ridiculous price for the mediocre movies that are out right now. So, we rented season 2 of Weeds, came home, got comfy, and laughed our asses off. LOVE that show!

I've taken a little break from really blogging the last several days. I've been having some problems with my CVS (chronic vomitting syndrome, not the pharmacy) returning. Queasiness hits me out of the blue for no apparent reason, and frequently I end up vomitting. It's been in check for a while, but seems to be back the last several days. The toilet and I are getting reacquainted! I usual blog at night after I get L to bed, but that seems to have hit me every night (not tonight yet) at that time. So if I don't keep up well with the blogging, it's probably due to that, rather than laziness--not that I'm not lazy, just not in this instance. ;) I've also slacked a bit in my picture taking the last few days for this reason. I do have a really cute one of Petey, though--totally unstaged. L & I were playing Mastermind, and he snuggled up next to us in the box.

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