Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tattoosday 4

This one is pretty straight forward and self-explanatory. It says, "Animal Liberation", "until every cage is empty". I started out with a graphic from a shirt and played around with it until I got the size and shape that I wanted. Allegrea helped me pick out colors. The line work that forms the cage bars is very difficult and exacting work to keep the lines perfectly straight (and they are). It took quite a while to get it done. It's on my right upper arm/shoulder. That's probably the tattoo that was the least amount of pain. I like it but wish I had gone just a little bigger.

Tuesdays are always long for me, but tomorrow is my Friday, so that's a bright note in this long day. After dinner, I went outside to prune my roses and do some weeding, while Mark walked the dogs and Luciana and Hunter played in the back yard. After about 30 minutes of light gardening, I was soaked through--it is so hot and HUMID today. The next couple of days are going to be sauna like, so I will probably be staying in as much as a I can. Even the kids wanted to come play inside to cool off after just a brief time outside.

Tomorrow is a big day: it's my mom's birthday (Happy Birthday, since I may not have time to blog tomorrow); Oliver gets his stitches out and his collar off--he will be SO HAPPY!; and Dej registers for her senior year of high school.

I received the new issue of Off Our Backs (best feminist journal ever!) in the mail today, so I am going to relax, read my new mag., hopefully drift off to sleep at a reasonable time, and enjoy some militant feminist dreams (of course in my dreams, all feminists are animal liberationists and environmentalists too). ;)

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