Friday, August 10, 2007

Tomorrow is the super saddest Saturday ever!

A recent pic of the babies.
My little boy will be going home with his new mommy at 11:00 tomorrow. I am really, really struggling with this. Can't stop crying. Luciana was bawling today about it too, and I think she's going to lose it when she sees him go out the door. My heart breaks the most for his sister, who looks for him and calls to him when she can't see him. We will be sure to give her tons of extra love and attention and keep her very busy. My sweet boy will have a wonderful home, and his name is going to be Haiku.

It's been hot and sauna like all week and looks like it will continue to be that way for the next several days. Orinda brought Logan and Colton over this morning to play with L. We were able to play outside until a little before noon, when we lost enough of our shade in the backyard and the temp rose enough to be just too hot. We took the kids and went out for lunch. They were all a bit on the wild side--moreso than usual. L. was tired today, as she was up late last night. We went to a party at the home of one of the board members at the Gardens. The weather really cooperated, so we were able to enjoy a nice pontoon ride. Then L. & Mark swam in their pool until dinner was ready--they made veggie burgers on the grill for us. Everyone had lots of fun, but it really wore L. out. That combined with her later than usual bedtime made her a bit challenging today. She went to sleep pretty quickly tonight and is snoring away.

Mark had a tour at a house that is totally off the grid tonight--all the way green. It's a cool idea, but prohibitively expensive for most of us at this point in time. I hope in the near future, they are able to bring costs down so this is a realistic prospect for "normal" people. I stayed home because I want to watch Ollie, spend my last little time with Haiku, and also, I've had my share of biting my tongue with rich fucks who selfishly spend all their money on materialistic shit and traveling. I will never, never understand how someone with so much can live with themselves when there are others with so much NEED. I hate people like that. If my husband's career wasn't involved, I would love to really lay them open. I'm so not the 'bite-my-tongue-kind of person'. Don't really want to be either. I'm eager for M to get home so we can have a little time together, but I am enjoying my quiet evening with my girls and the kitties immensely.

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