Friday, August 08, 2008

Quick and random

1. Elizabeth Edwards is WAY too good for her piece of shit husband John. I'm disappointed that she is standing behind him (at least publically) after such a betrayal, which goes light years beyond simple cheating. Who the fuck is low enough to cheat on the terminally ill mother of his children? Oh yeah, that would be John Edwards.

2. Do not bring up the olympics to me. At all. I am pissed beyond words at the fact that China was rewarded with the olympics after their horrific and repeated human rights violations. I am pissed at anyone who participates in or acknowledges this travesty and slap in the face to the Chinese citizens and the many others who have been oppressed, tortured, and destroyed by the Chinese government.

3. I had a fairly nice day, despite no sleep and starting my morning out with an ultrasound. Not just any old ultrasound though, because filling my bladder to the point of explosion and having cold gel and a wand pushing on me isn't quite fun enough for me. No, we just kept right on going with an internal ultrasound. Vickie (my ultrasound tech.) and I had some really special bonding time. She explored my nether regions with a large wand, as I tried to breath through the pain and focus on our conversation about cats.

4. My naturopathic doctor made me a nice little pain tincture yesterday. I tried it today to mitigate the increased pain caused by the ultrasound probing. It worked! It tasted like ass, but it worked. I'm anxious to see if it continues to be as effective. It's really cool, too, as I can take it as often as I need with no worries of overdose or getting sick from it. Dr. Jill said that I will know I've taken too much if I start to have visual haullucinations. That could prove quite interesting. It's been many years (almost 20!!) since I've experienced anything that entertaining.

5. I am having the perfect 'geek' Friday night! I'm home alone with my critters, watching Anderson Cooper (how I love him) and reading Pharyngula (the science blog I am completely addicted to and devoted to for life).

6. Yet again, I've proven (at least to myself) that I am completely incapable of a brief post or written communication of any kind. Allegrea may be coming by later tonight. She and PK were here with me last night until quite late, so we still need our 'girl' time. Anyway, until she arrives, I'm getting back to my fabulous Friday activities (see #5).

7. Oh yeah, and my dad, brother and his family have all arrived safely at their respective destinations in Africa. Mark and Luciana made it to upstate New York today, where they will stay with M's aunt, uncle, and other family members, until Monday.

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