Thursday, February 12, 2009

Her name was Daisy. She was a showgirl, with yellow feathers in her hair...

L & Fiona were snuggled up in the bird room watching Sponge Bob when I got home. How cute are they?! Fergus was busy running around like a little maniac. He's a very high energy bunny!

I should be grading in my small window here between the end of my class and the time I have to read to Luciana and tuck her in for the night. I've decided to avoid that until later--maybe tomorrow even. Why do tonight what I can put off and have lingering over my head like a dark cloud until tomorrow?

I'm hanging out in the bird room with L. & the critters. Fergus is 16 days post-neutering and has improved tremendously, but can still get a little sidetracked with the humping. We try to spend as much time in here as possible right now, because he can only be out of his cage with supervision (until the testosterone has left his body). We spent last night cleaning, rearranging, and reorganizing in here. We had some additional bunny proofing to do, because Fergus is so tiny that he can get into areas that the other rabbits couldn't. I think we have everything covered now, and we like the room much better this way. It's a nice feeling to have it nice and clean (for a day or two until they tear it up again).

We are all looking forward to tomorrow when Dej & Joe arrive with their new little family. They rescued a mommy cat and her five kittens last weekend. They removed them from a horrible environment. The kittens were born last Friday, and she took them on Sunday. The littlest one was in bad shape when they got them, and the poor little bug didn't make it. The rest are doing well, though. They took mommy cat to the vet and got her vaccinations, ear mite treatment, etc. They got KMR and have been doing supplemental feeding. They went toy shopping and got lots of nice things for them to play with (not that the kittens are up to playing yet, but soon). Dej insisted on paying for everything, despite Joe's recent layoff. She is doing so well and is so responsible and mature suddenly! I'm very proud of her and am excited to meet my new grand-kittens and mommy. Dej & Joe will be keeping mommy and one kitten, so we will have three very loved, healthy, happy kittens to place in wonderful homes in several weeks. L & H. did an amazing job at getting Dej's old bedroom cleaned up and kitten proofed, as they will be staying here on the weekends with D & J. I will be babysitting while Dej works.

There are still two unaltered cats in the home that these guys were taken from. I wish I had a place to put them, as it's really not a good home. I don't. The best I can do at this point is that we will be taking them in on Monday morning to get spayed and neutered, get vaccinations, treatment for their various parasites, etc. We'll get them as healthy as possible, lecture the idiot kids who the cats live with on proper care and maintenance of beings for which they are responsible, and hope for the best. Dej will be watching though to make sure they are cared for.

Everybody told me that she would get her head out of her ass eventually and become a wonderful, responsible person. I didn't really see how that could happen--at least not within the next decade. I'm happy to say I was wrong. Yeah, I said it. It does happen on the rare occasion that I am less than correct about something. ;P

LOST continues to rock my world! I've said all along that Jin was alive and cannot wait to see him reunited with Sun. M & I were talking last night about it and we agreed that neither of us was that into the Penny & Desmond love story. We just weren't as moved as the rest of the world when they talked and reunited. I don't exactly know why, but I just don't care all that much about whether they are together or not. I do love Jin & Sun together, though, and am so totally excited to see them find each other again--hopefully next week.

My stomach has been so much better lately, up until recently, that is. It's gotten progressively worse over this week, with me back to random vomitting today. I have really not missed that. Anyway, it will pass eventually, but the point is that my hubby was very sweet today. We generally e-mail and/or chat throughout the day, and so he was aware that I was having a rough-stomach day. He had to stop at the pharmacy and pick up batteries on the way home from work and very thoughtfully picked up some delicious dark chocolate for me. I'm optimistically hoping that I will be able to eat and enjoy it later tonight.

I am not going to write the 10 page essay that I would like to about this, but I do have to get in a little vent that the whole octuplet breeding has me really pissed off. There is so much about that specific case that is horrible, but even worse, it reignites my fury with fertility treatments in a world where we don't have enough resources to sustain our population for much longer. We could significantly lengthen the time we have if we all became vegetarian, but that's another issue. It sickens me that in a world where there is even one single child without a loving home, that we would go through expensive and elaborate efforts to make even more unnecessary people. The ego and selfishness of that whole thing just sickens me. I am beyond angry about living in a world where the rights of adults reign supreme and repeatedly run roughshod over the children and animals who don't have the luxury of the same rights or protection. Quality. It's all about quality, NOT quantity. I'm ramping up here, now, but it's time to stop as L and I have some Trixie Belden to read.

Be nice...Daisy is watching you. ;)

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