Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Two on Tuesday

I've not had the greatest day and am not feeling creative at all--just exhausted. In my love/hate relationship with computers, or more specifically Microsoft, today was a 'hate' day. I wasn't going to post, but after I got home from teaching my class tonight, two things really made me laugh within a five-minute period. I really appreciated the laugh after this day.

1. I walked into the kitchen to find Luciana squeezing her Flarp (it's noise putty; she and Mark like to make nasty fart noises with it) through my garlic press. For some reason it struck me as being incredibly funny. I'll have to see how funny it is after I try to wash the garlic press and use it again.

2. Botswana (the gerbil) has learned the snack-time routine. When I come in the birdroom in the evening to read L's bedtime story, Botswana and the bunnies each get a healthy treat--fresh fruit, veggies, or some other delicious morsel. As soon as I walk in the door, he jumps up onto the cage bars and hangs on his little door waiting for his treat. As soon as I hold out the treat, he snatches it from my hands with his tiny little hands, turns it over and around to examine it, then he runs into his little wooden house to eat his special goody. He is SO cute and really quite smart, too!

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